On Thursday 07 Nov 2002 1:31 pm, Bill Winegarden wrote:
> Hi again,
>       I have experienced occasional crashes (freezes) in KMail and OO from a
> new LM9 install. Everything went cleanly on install.
>       Anyway my question is.....
> Is there a way to restart the programs after a freeze? It seems that I
> have to logout then login again before I can restart the affected
> application. I have checked with the 'top' command and I don't see them
> running but perhaps something else is that prevents the restart.
> Anyone experience this one?

I must say that I have found kmail to be very stable in 9.0.  Have you tried 
deleting ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc and starting anew with your kmail 

No crashes from OO yet either.  Perhaps something else is causing your 
problems, like your chosen style if you're using KDE maybe?  Not that I've 
any problems with styles in MDK9.0 but they caused all sorts of problems 
for me with MDK8.1.  Just a suggestion...

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