On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 04:56, Christian Goldstein wrote:
> Hiya!
> Strange things happen in my Linux installation.... No matter what 
> WindowManager I use, whenever I dare go to the console via Alt+Ctrl+F1 (or 2, 
> or 3...) my WM shuts down for some odd reason. 
> Anyone have a clue whats going on?
>                    - Christian
When was the last time you've seen it working properly? (aside from
being in Solaris/HPUX/AIX/IRIX)
Fri Nov  8 09:30:00 EST 2002

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The camel died quite suddenly on the second day, and Selena fretted
sullenly and, buffing her already impeccable nails -- not for the first
time since the journey begain -- pondered snidely if this would dissolve
into a vignette of minor inconveniences like all the other holidays
with Basil.
                -- Winning sentence, 1983 Bulwer-Lytton bad fiction contest.

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