On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 12:50, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
> I have 4 PCs.
> 3 on dual boot with linux and windows(98 or me)and one win98se.
> one has built in 8139 lan card. How should I go for networking these?
> 1)what is the optimum ways if I have to include a few more PCs. Dual boot ones 
> can be made only linux ones.
If you install/configure SAMBA (SMB) on the linux machines, and use
regular Windows networking on the Windoze machines, you should be good
to go. As long as you configure them all for the same workgroup...

> 2)what should I get in hardware?
As long as your network cards are compatible cards - linux should pick
them up right off the bat. The only hardware you'll need is either a hub
or a switch...and how many machines would dictate how many ports you

> 3)How to go about in configuring software so that peripherals like printer, 
> modem attached one can be used by other and files can be shared?
> As a newbie in networking i need initiation and advice
Modem sharing is a wide area - but if you're talking about sharing your
internet connection, you can do that from either linux or
Windoze...sharing other devices - printers and hard drives - is rather
easy in Windoze - but once again, you have to make sure to
install/configure SAMBA in order to share with the Windoze machines...
> -- 
> L.V.Gandhi

Fri Nov  8 13:30:00 EST 2002

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