On 12 Dec 2002 09:50:02 +1100
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are you going to watch it because
> A.) You know that Nemesis was created on a render-farm of linux boxes?
> B.) You know that most of the image design was done on linux boxes?
> C.) You're hoping to see Kirk die again?
> D.) You're a Trekkie?
> E.) You want to hear Piccard say " No. 1, you have the bridge" yet
> again?
> (BTW, I'm a Trekkie and just bloody can't wait!)

D. And maybe E. :-)  Never C--I like Kirk. <duck> Didn't know about A. 
and B., but now that I know, I'm even more hyped.

I just listened to the soundtrack--I'm a big Jerry Goldsmith fan. I'm
quite disappointed to say it doesn't touch any of his other Trek
soundtracks with a ten-foot pole. A shame being that it's the last
Next Gen. movie, and all :-(

I do fully expect that the music will work well played against the
movie, though. 

Anyway, I'm excited. I already have my tickets for tomorrow's opening.


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