Put the burned CD in a running computer and open it. 

If you see the file Mandrake90-cd1-inst.i586.iso, then you need to
reburn it, but this time burn it as an image, not as a file.

If, on the other hand, you see nothing, then CD is probably no good
and you'll have to burn it again.


On Fri, 7 Feb 2003 14:20:35 -0500
"Craig Deline Jr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just downloaded Mandrake 9 ISO's from "mirror.aca.oakland.edu" The
> first image, "Mandrake90-cd1-inst.i586.iso", after I burn it to a CD
> (Using Nero 5.5), does not boot, and I cannot see any files on it in
> windows as I can on the other two (Disc's 2&3). I am using Nero 5.5 with
> a Philips 8x4x32 CDRW Drive (CD4800 I think). I tried booting on my
> laptop's CD-ROM drive (QSR SDR-081 DVD ROM) and my desktop's (Creative
> DVD-ROM DVD1241E) to no avail. My computers are set in the BIOS to boot
> from CD-ROM first. Any suggestions? Besides downloading from another
> server? Thanx
> craig

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