PID: ALLFIX+ 4.41.3 DB8D83CA
MSGID: 111:4700/0@stn 2a5603ed
           Scooby's Doo BBS, McMurray, PA  telnet://

Fido - 1:129/328         IntraTec - 191:302/0            STN - 111:4700/0

All Files are available via anon FTP or

 Today, Thursday 02-22-01, Scooby's Doo BBS received the
 following files.

 Area : BBS Doors       Comment : 
 RN-FREE.ZIP  1,953,139 ²±°°±²      RANCHO NEVADA 5.00      ²±°°±²
                        What once was the greatest Adult Door ever
                        is now the greatest BBS Door of any kind!
                        Includes both PG-Rated and X-Rated versions.
                        This final version has a real goal (beyond
                        simply reaching level 100)!  Many gnawing
                        problems fixed; any others are left to you
                        as this archive includes FULL SOURCE CODE!
                        Also includes REGISTRATION KEY MAKER!
                        Dozens of new features, true multi-line
                        support, loads of fun, your users will call
                        again and again and again to play this game!
                        Fast, tight, stable, full-featured, easy
                        setup, easy config, easy to customize.
                        Requires DOS.  Source code requires
                        Borland Turbo Pascal 7.0. Now FREEWARE
                        and SOURCEWARE!  Read the file README.!!!
                        for important legalities you need to know.
                        From Whirlwind Software, of course.
                          ----->  BEST OF ALL, IT'S FREE  <-----
 1,953,139   bytes in 1   file(s)

 Total of 1,953,139 in 1 file(s)

 FREQ: FILES for an allfiles list.
 FREQ: INTRATEC for information on joining InTraTec.

 ... I reserve my abuse for lower life forms, like Civil Servants.

--- FMail/Win32 1.60
 * Origin: -=- telnet:// -=- (111:4700/0)

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