PID: ALLFIX+ 4.41.3 DB8D83CA
MSGID: 111:4700/0@stn 32220720
SPLIT: 04 Mar 01 08:30:29 @4700/0      0     02/02 +++++++++++
 PW_151W.ZIP     71,193 .-------------------------------------------.
                        | PimpWars Version 1.51             WINDOWS |
                        | PimpWars is a game where players assume   |
                        | the role of a Pimp and work the streets   |
                        | through "extra-cirricular" activities.    |
                        | This file contains the Windows version    |
                        | with support for Door32.     FREEWARE     |
                        |        |
 SAGE100.ZIP    120,598          SAGE 1.00  (now out of Beta!)
                         SAGE, probably the largest and most powerful
                         BBS door ever. Real-time interaction,  in an
                         ANSI graphical environment.  Plug-in as many
                         worlds as you like to one copy of the
                         Enormous worlds with up to 18 mil.
                         making Sage NINE TIMES larger than Lord 2.
                         Flax Soft.
                         л лллммммммммммммммммллмм  мммммлллммм
                                  лллллВА   Вллллл  м лллллл     ллл
                        м мллп    лллллл    лллллВА   лллВлл  АБВлл
                           ллл  м плллллм м лллллл  м лллВлл  АБВлл
                         ААБВл    лллллл    Вллллл    лллллл rp ллл
                            А  м    АА                          ммм
 SIMBB241.ZIP   154,207 BBS Simulator v2.41 - DOS/Win32 Versions
                        Let your users try running their own board.
                        Short and sweet game play, with real world
                        problems! Players are ranked by the number
                        of subscribers they have.
                        [ Elysium Software -*- ]
 STRUCTS3.ZIP     9,217 Pascal Record Structures   Revision 3
                        Contains the Pascal Record Structures
                        for the following Sage data files:
                        SWORLD.DAT, SMAP.DAT, ITEMS.DAT,
                        PLAYER.DAT, NODE.TMP, SAGE.CFG and
                        Now includes source code demonstrating
                        how to read a Sage world and display
                        the template and map screens, and how
                        to read the Player file and display
                        players' names.
 WMGR107.ZIP     42,516  WORLDMGR 1.07      Sage World Manager
                          Create/Edit SAGE worlds with ease!
                         The official world manager for Sage.
                           Includes tips and info on how to
                              create your own Sage world!
 2,401,840   bytes in 22  file(s)

 Area : NODEDIFF        Comment : Nodelist differences
 NODEDIFF.A61    21,012 Fidonet Nodelist Difference File a61
 21,012      bytes in 1   file(s)

 Total of 2,448,131 in 24 file(s)

 FREQ: FILES for an allfiles list.
 FREQ: INTRATEC for information on joining InTraTec.

 ... WWhhaatt  ddooeess  dduupplleexx  mmeeaann??

--- FMail/Win32 1.60
 * Origin: -=- telnet:// -=- (111:4700/0)

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