MSGID: 111:7045/0@stn 2ad59fa8
PID: ALLFIX+ 6.00.18 B921F76F
 Today, Thursday the 21-06-01, recieve The KOFO BBS (111:7045/0) following

 >Area  : ADSCOMM        : ADS: Comm programs
 ZXLCNTRL.ZIP    14,923 BandWith control program for Zyxel TA (ADS)
 14,923      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : ADSGAMES       : ADS: Games
 WHDMNCMN.ZIP    12,972 HD Installer for Manic Miner (ADS)
 12,972      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : PDNJAVA        : PDN: Java development
 HOTSW08.ZIP    188,598 HotSwap 0.8.2 (alpha) HotSwap provides a robust
                        library for updating the implementation of an object
                        at runtime, otherwise known as "hotswapping". This
                        is achieved through recompilation, dynamic class
                        reloading, and object state migration throughout
 JATHA1-0.ZIP   113,716 Jatha, a simple preprocessor for Java that is
                        inspired by the power of Lisp macros. It is released
                        under the GPL.
 302,314     bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area  : UTILLNX        : UtilNet: Linux End User/System Utilities
 ROCKS10B.ZIP   171,867 Rocks 1.0 for x86 Linux, binary
                        distribution. Rocks provide reliable and
                        mobile network connections for ordinary
                        Rocks protect sockets-based applications
                        from network failures, particularly failures
                        common to mobile computing, including: Link
                        failures (e.g., unexpected modem
                        disconnection); IP address changes (e.g.,
                        laptop movement, DHCP lease expiry);
                        Extended periods of disconnection (e.g.,
                        laptop suspension). Rocks work
                        out-of-the-box with SSH, including X Windows
                        applications forwarded over SSH, and are
                        easy to use with other sockets-based
 171,867     bytes in 1   file(s)

 Ialt 502,076 i 5 fil(er)

           Fri FileRequest for Noder og point.
           Your File Requesting can some times miss up,
           it could happen if the Allfix file processor are
           busy on the other nodes sites, so be pasient and
           try again later.

  ALLFIX v6.00 build 18.
                  try our ftp or http site if want some of the files.
                        Fidonet  2:236/150

 * Origin: - The KOFO BBS - - (111:7045/0)

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