MSGID: 111:7045/0@stn 2b904bd5
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 B921F76F
 Today, Sunday the 16-12-01, recieve The KOFO BBS (111:7045/0) following

 >Area  : GFD.APP.DB     : GFD [APP]: Databank-Programs, Tools
 ODBCSDK.ZIP    560,751 ODBC SDK (beta) for OS/2. Beta version of a SDK for
                        developing ODBC applications and database drivers.
 560,751     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.APP.GF     : GFD [APP]: Graphical Applications
 GMT3_4.ZIP     775,929 OS/2 port of the Generic Mapping Tools,
                        Version 3.4 of Paul Wessell and Walter
                        Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). GMT is a free,
                        open source collection of ~60 UNIX tools that
                        allow users to manipulate (x,y) and (x,y,z)
                        data sets (including filtering, trend
                        gridding, projecting, etc.) and produce
                        Encapsulated PostScript File (EPS)
                        illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots
                        through contour maps to artificially
                        illuminated surfaces and 3-D perspective
                        views in black and white, gray tone, hachure
                        patterns, and 24-bit color. GMT supports 25
                        common map projections plus linear, log, and
                        power scaling, and comes with support data
                        such as coastlines, rivers, and political
 775,929     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.APP.MI     : GFD [APP]: All other stuff than those
 LBH05.ZIP      193,079 Little Business Helper, v0.5.
 THES3004.EXE 1,204,831 Theseus3 for OS/2 version 3.04. Theseus is a
                        memory analysis program for the OS/2 system.
                        (C) Copyright International Business Machines
                        Corporation 1992, 2001. All rights reserved.
                        This new version works on Warp 3, FixPak 38
                        or later, Warp 4 at any FixPak level,
                        including WSOD, and the e-Business Server.
 1,397,910   bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.APP.MM     : GFD [APP]: Mult-Media-Applikationen
 TLAME02I.ZIP    71,039 MPEG Layer 2 Encoder, based on ISO Dist 10
                        source, VBR support. Beta 02I of the TooLame
                        MPEG 1/2 Layer 2 encoder. Runs about 40%
                        faster than the ISO code on which its based,
                        and includes some of the bug fixes from the
                        Lame mp3 encoder. Includes VBR support!
 71,039      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.DEV.MI     : GFD [DEV]: Alles andere in dieser
 LPATHEXT.ZIP    26,647 This package contains a subroutine library
                        functions and subroutines to manipulate the
                        extensions [BEGINLIBPATH and ENDLIBPATH]
                        from within
                        an OS/2 address space.
                        Freeware with full source code.
                        Author: David W Noon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 26,647      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.NET.CO     : GFD OS/2 [NET]: SLIP, PPP, UUCP, Proxies
 KIP.ZIP         12,493 InJoy PPPoE client disconnnecting problem
                        This program patch the problem that if InJoy
                        quited without disconnecting and retrying to
                        connect ISP, InJoy or other PPPoE client
                        take a
                        long time to connect PPPoE server. For
                        You can see 'acx concentrator:' in InJoy and
                        encounter 'Time Out' while 'Contact server'
                        progressing in EnterNet300.
 12,493      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.NET.MI     : GFD [NET]: Alles andere in dieser
 LS12-BIN.ZIP    46,145 LanScan version 1.2 - used with TCP/IP
                        version 4.1 or above. This program scans
                        Ethernet network issuing ARP-requests.
                        Also program can discover NetBIOS names.
                        This function works only if TCPBEUI
                        (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) and TCP/IP
                        version 4.1 or above is used.
                        Author - Oleg Zhukov
 LS412BIN.ZIP    45,316 LanScan version 1.2 - used with TCP/IP
                        version 4.0. This program scans Ethernet
                        network issuing ARP-requests. Also program
                        can discover NetBIOS names. This function
                        works only if TCPBEUI (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
                        and TCP/IP version 4.1 or above is used.
                        Author - Oleg Zhukov
 91,461      bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.SYS.NE     : GFD [SYS]: Network Device Drivers
 AUTONIC.ZIP     44,575 autonic.sys - at boot time detect pci card and
                        autoload it's driver.
 44,575      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.SYS.TO     : GFD [SYS]: Miscellaneous Tools for the ....
 UPDCD199.ZIP   147,393 UpdCD 1.99 (2.0 alpha) for eCS. This is a
                        early alpha version, use it at your own risk!
                        Install UpdCD 1.81 (1.8 base + 1.81 fix) and
                        unzip this zip in the updcd directory
                        the original UpdCD files). UpdCD 1.99 is not
                        to build other systems (Warp 4, MCP, etc.)
                        eCS at this time. It will change in the
                        Until then, backup the original 1.8x files if
                        you need them.
 147,393     bytes in 1   file(s)

 Ialt 3,128,198 i 11 fil(er)

  ALLFIX v5.13 build 4.

                        Fidonet  2:236/150
                   E-mail Freq: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Origin: - KOFOBBS - - (111:7045/0)

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