PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 74CFE0F5
MSGID: 111:7031/0@SysopTechNet 2cf6ce8e
³ New files at  : The Change OSP/BBS                                        ³
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³ We offer      : Files: Dos, Windows, Games, Comm., Music, Adult etc.      ³
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³ Magic Names   : ALLFILES, CHANGE!                                         ³

   Area: G_ACTION        Description  GamesNet Action games
 G8BGRD30.ZIP 3,910,183 GREEDY WORM 3.0 - ShareWare This game has
                        made some waves around our office. While
                        the basic concept of the game is nothing
                        new the visual magic that takes place is
                        a tribute to the classic game.

   Area: G_PDA           Description  GamesNet PDA Games
 3AAPRS10.ZIP 3,918,026 PERSONAL CADDIE 1.0 - ShareWare This is a
                        golf scoring application. Keep track of
                        up to four players per round and store
                        course stroke-play and handicap
                        information among many other things.
 Total Found 7,828,209 in 2 file(s)

 * Origin: The Change OSP/BBS, (111:7031/0)

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