MSGID: 111:7045/38 3da204ff
TID: HTick 1.1.0/lnx 05-08-02
TID: hpt 1.3.0/lnx 03-08-02
>Area : EVIL.MP3 : metal MP3 muzax
 DEL01-05.MP3   7670225 Delight'2001 (5/9)
                        Orig: 2:5020/1701
 DEL01-06.MP3   7025739 Delight'2001 (6/9)
                        Orig: 2:5020/1701
 DEL01-07.MP3   7714108 Delight'2001 (7/9)
                        Orig: 2:5020/1701
 22410072 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : EVIL.MP3.RUS : Russian metal MP3 muzax
 ROSS02.ZIP      220685 Rossomahaar '02 Cover & Lyrics
                        Orig: 2:5020/1958.5
 220685 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : G_AMIGA.MISCAD : GamesNet: AMIGA misc. Tools & AddoNs
 A47F1200.ZIP     11280 2002 F1 SEASON DATA FOR
                        F1GP-ED 1 OCTOBER
                        Req. game/misc/F1GP-Ed.lha
                        Orig: 2:245/5530
 11280 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : G_LINUX.UPD : GamesNet: LINUX Game Updates
 U17S2102.ZIP    501394 Soldier of Fortune II: Double
                        dedicated server 1.02 to 1.02a
                        Orig: 2:245/5530
 501394 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : G_NODE : GamesNet: Nodelists
 GAMESNET.Z77     54102 GamesNet NodeList KW 40/2002
                        Orig: 2:245/5530
 54102 bytes in 1 file(s)

 LDAPU121.ZIP     40670 LDAPUtils is a set of
                        utilities written in
                        Perl that allows for fast
                        manipulation of
                        LDAP directories.
                        Orig: 110:10/1
 40670 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : LINUXNET.SRC : (LN) Various Source files
 ATOP16.ZIP       65896 Atop is an ASCII full-screen
                        monitor similar to the
                        command top. For
                        every interval (default 10
                        seconds), it
                        shows system-level activity
                        related to the
                        CPU, memory, swap, disks and
                        network layers,
                        and it shows for every active
                        process the
                        CPU utilization in system and
                        user mode, the
                        virtual and resident memory
                        priority, username, state,
                        and exit code.
                        The process level activity is
                        also shown for
                        processes which finished
                        during the last
                        interval (for this reason
                        process accounting
                        is switched on), to get a
                        complete overview
                        about the consumers of things
                        such as CPU
                        time. Atop only shows the
                        system-resources and
                        processes, and only
                        shows the deviations since
                        the previous
                        interval (e.g., the memory
                        growth rather
                        than total memory usage per
                        Unfortunately, the standard
                        kernel does not
                        maintain counters about the
                        number of disk
                        and network accesses issued
                        per process.
                        Later on, kernel patches will
                        be made
                        available to add these
                        process level
                        counters. The current version
                        of atop is
                        already prepared to display
                        these counters.
                        Orig: 110:10/1
 65896 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Total 23304099 bytes in 9 file(s)
--- i love Husky software :)
 * Origin: binkd 0.9.5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (111:7045/38)

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