Financial crisis: beware of the phrase "both sides are to blame"...

Sher Zieve's Column...

Written By: Sher Zieve...

September 23, 2008...


Anytime we hear the members of the press say or write "both sides
[Democrat and Republican] are to blame," we can be certain of one
thing — the Democrats have been caught red-handed with both of those
hands in the cookie jar. So, in order to protect their own and lessen
the scrutiny on the Democrat perpetrators, the mainstream media has to
blame both sides. And as the media is diligently working 24/7 in order
to get their candidate Obama elected, this is precisely the tactic
that they are employing. Even Fox News is now broadcasting the "both
sides are to blame" mantra. Even if not true, I guess that's the "fair
and balanced" way!

I have been one of those in the forefront of bringing up Republican
lunacies and debacles when accurate and appropriate. But, with the
possible few minor exceptions, the current financial fiasco can be
planted firmly at the feet of Democrats. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and
Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) ensured there was limited oversight and
scrutiny of both Fannie Mae and Freddie MAC. After the Freddie MAC
accounting scandal was brought to light (a year before another
accounting calamity was uncovered with Fannie Mae), the Union Leader
reports that Frank stated: "I do not think we are facing any kind of a
crisis." Until the Democrats' Fannie Mae and Freddie MAC house of
cards recently came crashing down, taking the rest of us with it,
Frank remained instrumental in blocking all Republican attempts at
reforming the agencies. The Leader also reports "The Wall Street
Journal has pointed out, Frank "pressured regulators to ease up on
their capital requirements — which now means taxpayers will have to
make up that capital shortfall."

Prominent Democrats, including former head of Fannie Mae Franklin
Raines and former Vice Chair of Fannie Mae Jamie Gorelick, made
fortunes — said to have acquired over $100M each — by working for and
ostensibly raiding one of the Democrats' personal slush fund; AKA
Fannie Mae. As a side note, despite Obama's rage after the New Media
brought it up, Franklin Raines has been tied to Obama as one of his
"advisors." Perhaps he's "advising" Obama on how to further scam the

Another Democrat and former CEO of Fannie Mae who made millions — Jim
Johnson — is yet another advisor to Candidate Obama! Obama asked
Johnson to begin a search for his VP running mate.,,

So, as the leftist mainstream media and Obama adherents continue to
redirect the blame from this possibly-the-biggest-Democrat-scandal-and-
debacle-in-history (that has placed the US and the world into
financial crisis) onto others, just remember where it started and who
kept it going. Also remember who is expected to bail the Democrats out
again — We the people, of course!


Sher Zieve is an author, political commentator, and staff writer for
The New Media Alliance ( Zieve's op-ed columns are
widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also
writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald,
Dallas Times, Boston Star, Massachusetts Sun, Sacramento Sun, in
international news publications, and on multiple university websites.
Ms. Zieve is currently working on her first political book: "The
Liberal's Guide To Conservatives." Ms. Zieve has appeared as a guest
on numerous occasions on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...
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