Evidence of Democrats in Trouble

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Evidence of Democrats in Trouble

September 24, 2008

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RUSH: We're going to go to Kokomo, Indiana.  This is Paul.  Paul, thank you so 
much for waiting.  I appreciate it.

CALLER:  I'm very honored to speak with you.

RUSH:  Thank you, sir.

CALLER:  I do believe that Democrats are shaking in their boots 'cause you get 
this random -- not really random -- story about how one-third of Americans are 
going to be voting early.  That seems like an awfully high number.  My question 
is, how many of these voters are going to be voting in Michigan, Virginia, 
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, et cetera, and how many of them are probably 
going to be asked to make another cameo appearance in November?  And if you 
remember in Indiana, Lake County, during the primaries of Operation Chaos --

RUSH:  Oh, yeah!

CALLER:  -- it took them just about as long as Obama's been in the Senate to 
figure out who won that primary.

RUSH:  Yeah, because the stupid... The mayor of Gary was running around saying, 
"Well, we're just going to wait and see what we need here," something like 
that.  He actually went and started talking to the press, trying to make 
himself a big powerbroker. If he hadn't talked to the press, if he had just 
shut up he might have been able to pull off the fraud.

CALLER:  That's adjacent to Chicago, so there's no doubt in my mind. I think 
they're scared -- and, oh, by the way, my wife and I have a beautiful boy with 
Down syndrome.  We both knew that he was going to have Down syndrome, and he's 
happier than any Democrat that there is in Congress. 

RUSH: (laughing)

CALLER: And he's not a punishment to my wife and I at all, he's a blessing.

RUSH:  God bless you, sir.

CALLER:  Thank you.

RUSH:  That's a great line: "He's happier than any Democrat that there is in 
Congress."  Look, Paul thank you for the call.  I appreciate it.  That reminds 
me. I'll tell you a little story.  This is anecdotal, and you cannot attach any 
scientific substance to this.  Snerdley was telling me that he was talking to 
the editrix of the Limbaugh letter, Diana Schneider Allocco, and they were 
comparing notes.  She lives up in Westchester County, and Snerdley lives out in 
the hinterlands here of central Florida. He trucks in every morning.  And he 
says, "You know, this time in 2004, you couldn't drive three blocks without 
being inundated with John Kerry yard signs and bumper stickers," and you don't 
see 'em today.  There are hardly any Obama bumper stickers or yard signs out 
there."  When he was talking to Diana about it in Westchester County, she said 
much the same thing.  There just doesn't seem to be the outward display of 
support for Obama that
 there was for Kerry.  Now, look, this is all anecdotal.  But in both places, 
we're talking about heavy Democrat populations.  King County, Washington.  
Remember, Democrats demanding a recount when Republicans had more votes, ended 
up with Christine Gregoire being elected.  She had more votes than voters.  She 
had more votes than voters, and so they demanded a recount.  After the recount 
she had more votes than voters.  So they're who they are. (laughing)  Sometimes 
all you can do is laugh at it.  Here's Kate in Fairfield. Oh!  It's Kate from 
Fairfield back.  Kate, how are you?

CALLER:  I'm very well, Rush, dear. How are you?

RUSH:  Never better.  Thank you.

CALLER:  Wonderful.  I tried to get through on your 20-year but I just 
couldn't.  I'm a 22-year listener, for those who don't know.  The reason I'm 
calling is this whole Drive-By thing and their attempts to try and make race 
the issue.  And, you know, race hasn't been a factor. As I told Bo, "If 
Clarence Thomas was running with Bo Snerdley, I would vote for them," okay?

RUSH:  We're talking Democrats here.

CALLER:  We're talking Democrats here, and I'm talking issues.  It's about the 
issues, Rush.  It's about where Obama stands.  It's about where he wants to 
take us.  It's about his socialism.  It's about his background.  It's about who 
his mentors are.  It's not about his race.  I could care less about his race, 
okay?  I could care less that Sarah Palin is a woman.  I'm happy she's a woman, 
but I love her stands on the issues.  I love the way she communicates the 

RUSH:  Yeah.

CALLER:  Okay?  It doesn't have anything to do with whether she's a woman or 
he's a black man.

RUSH:  Yeah, of course. The Drive-Bys running these stories are doing two 
things.  One, there probably is, there probably are in certain Democrat states 
-- these blue-collar Democrat states -- there probably are some people that 
aren't going to vote for a black guy.  This will not be the first.

CALLER:  Right.

RUSH:  Remember the Bradley effect.

CALLER:  Right.

RUSH:  Remember the Wilder Effect.  There are white people who lie to 
pollsters, and when they get to the privacy of the absentee ballot or the 
voting booth just won't pull the trigger.  The Democrats, they've identified 
this, I mean they know it exists, but what you're saying is primarily I agree 
with, they will not consider the possibility that it's Obama and his issues 
being rejected.  No, no, no! It has to be blamed on us. They have to blame it 
on America. They have to blame the on America being stuck in the past, having 
not made nearly as much progress as we all thought.  It's all part of a scheme 
to set up explaining his loss so as not to have to explain that it was issues, 
like you say, that were responsible.

CALLER:  And not only explaining his loss, blaming us, blaming us, because 
we're a bunch of prejudiced, racist people that won't vote for a black man.  I 
will I would have it was Clarence Thomas and Bo Snerdley.

RUSH:  Remember, now, these stories are dealing with Democrat voters.  They're 
not calling you and me racists in these stories.

CALLER:  Right.

RUSH:  They're calling Democrat blue-collar union workers. In fact, there's 
another story here while I have you. Yes!  Youngstown, Ohio.  This is from the 
Pittsburgh Tribune Review: "You just knew that when Joe O'Connell, former head 
of the local AFL-CIO, got on stage here with John McCain and Sarah Palin things 
were not going smoothly for the Obama campaign...   'I am a lifelong Democrat, 
an intelligent Democrat, who is supporting John McCain,' O'Connell said...   
O'Connell assured the energized crowd that 'organized labor will have a seat at 
the table when John McCain becomes president.'  It's the kind of statement that 
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President Bill George does not want to hear.   'It's a 
problem,' George admits, 'but we are in an all-out effort to educate our 
members that the Democratic Party is the only one for working families.' ... 
George narrows the problem down to race. 'There is no question, earlier in the 
primary campaign the
 racial issue was there, just like the gender issue was with Hillary for some 
unions,' he says." So they're doing stories, Kate -- the Drive-Bys -- ripping 
their own voters!

CALLER:  Exactly.

RUSH:  -- liberal, Democrat, union members, blue-collar votes, and they're 
saying if Obama loses 'cause our Democrats are racist.

CALLER:  Right.  Exactly.  Exactly.  And isn't that sad?

RUSH:  Well, why not run the story and say Republicans?  Because that would 
revitalize, that would just gin up the Republican base. That would make us so 
mad, we'd show up in more numbers than exist.

CALLER:  We're already pretty mad, Rush.

RUSH:  Yes, I understand.  They're doing this, I think, to try to shame these 

CALLER:  Right, to shame them into going in and pulling the lever for Obama.

RUSH:  Correct.

CALLER:  Even if they don't agree with him on the issues!

RUSH:  Right.

CALLER:  Exactly, right.
RUSH:  Kate, it's always a pleasure to hear from you.

CALLER:  And to talk to you also.

RUSH:  Take care and have a wonderful week and we'll see you next time you make 
it through.

CALLER:  Okay, thanks. 


Read the Background Material...

• NewsBusters: Another 'Non-Obama Voters are Racists' Story
• Pittsburgh Trib-Review: States of the Unions - Salena Zito

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