Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
AmericanTruckersAtWar Discussion Group

--- On Wed, 9/24/08, Federation for American Immigration Reform [EMAIL 


Senate Wants to Punt on E-Verify 
Two Days Left to Demand a 5 Year E-Verify Reauthorization 
E-Verify is in true jeopardy right now and unless your Senators act now we are 
in jeopardy of losing the basic tool that helps companies determine worker's 
eligibility and weed out illegal aliens!
Our sources on Capitol Hill tell us that instead of responsibly reauthorizing 
E-Verify for the necessary full five-year term, Senators are going to pander to 
special interests and the Senate will only extend E-Verify for six months in a 
continuing resolution (CR).  A CR is a stop-gap spending measure meant to keep 
the government from shutting down after Congress adjourns since Congress failed 
to pass any spending bills this session.   
We understand that this agreement was meant to appease cheap labor business 
interests who want to kill E-Verify — especially in the states that have made 
it mandatory for their employers.  But, because they know that the American 
people would not stand for Congress to kill E-Verify right before an election, 
they have decided to punt this political football through the next election and 
into the next Congress where they feel they will be in a much better position 
to kill it or use it as a bargaining chip in a large amnesty measure.  
It is outrageous that in this turbulent economy, the Senate would bow to the 
cheap foreign interests and eliminate one of our most effective, efficient and 
accurate work-site enforcement tools designed to keep illegal aliens from 
displacing American workers.   
Please understand that when you call, Senate offices will try to tell you that 
E-Verify will be on the floor this week.  But what they are really talking 
about is their attempt to shove E-Verify into the CR with a six month only 
extension.  We need to let them know that this is unacceptable and that 
E-Verify must be brought to the floor as a stand-alone bill and reauthorized 
for a full five year term.   
Action Items:  
Call your individual Senators (202-224-3121) and Senate Majority Leader Harry 
Reid's office today (202-224-3542) and tell them to bring H.R. 6633, the House 
bill that authorizes E-Verify for five years, to the Senate floor.  
Contact Your Senator

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