Mark R. Taylor
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--- On Thu, 9/25/08, News4U . USA [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Guess who recommended Obama to enter Harvard
Mystery man in senator's memoir now revealed as disciple of socialist agitator

Posted: September 24, 2008
8:54 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily 

Saul AlinskyIn a revelation tying Barack Obama even closer to radical community 
organizing, WND has learned that a renowned disciple of the late socialist 
agitator Saul "The Red" Alinksy wrote a letter of recommendation for Obama when 
he applied to Harvard Law School.
Obama approached Northwestern University professor John L. McKnight – a loyal 
student of Alinsky's radical tactics – to pen the Harvard letter in the late 
1980s. McKnight serves on the boards of radically anti-American groups in 
Chicago, including one accused of thuggery.
Obama in his 2006 memoir alludes to McKnight – whom he describes as an "older 
man who had been active in the civil rights efforts in Chicago in the sixties" 
– but stops short of identifying him by name. He referred to him only as "my 
But McKnight, who enforced affirmative action for Attorney General Robert 
Kennedy, was far more than that to young Obama. He helped train him in the 
agitation tactics of Alinsky, who wrote the organizing manual, "Rules for 
Radicals," which he dedicated to mankind's "very first radical, Lucifer."
The Chicago-based Gamaliel Foundation lists McKnight as a board director. 
From1985 to 1988, Obama worked for a subsidiary of Gamaliel, where he cut his 
teeth as a community organizer on Chicago's South Side. McKnight and Gamaliel, 
which was founded on Alinsky's principles, provided training for the budding 
(Story continues below)


Before leaving for Harvard, Obama wrote an article published in a journal 
titled, "After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois," in which he praised 
McKnight and his organizing strategies. He also decried "institutional racism" 
and called for more "power" to put in place "a systematic approach to community 

Barack Obama teaching Alinsky organizing tactics
While at Harvard, he found time to take advanced training courses at the 
Industrial Areas Foundation, a group founded by Alinsky and affiliated with 
Gamaliel. He also would return to Chicago to work as a consultant and trainer 
for Gamaliel.
Under the tutelage of McKnight and other hardcore students of Alinsky, Obama 
says he got the "best education I ever had, better than anything I got at 
Harvard Law School." He made the remark last year while campaigning in Iowa.
His mentor McKnight also sits on the board of a militant leftist group called 
the National People's Action, the professor's curriculum vita reveals. NPA 
employs the hardball street tactics of Alinskyite organizing.
NPA claims to be simply a coalition of neighborhood advocacy groups based in 
Chicago, but conservative analyst Michelle Malkin describes it as a "left-wing 
goon squad." She says NPA has been known to bus hundreds of angry protestors to 
the homes of business and government leaders to demand "justice" for inner-city 
While preparing to intimidate the families of officials and trample over their 
private property, she says NPA picketers belt out the following battle cry:
Who's on your hit list, NPA? 
Who's on your hit list for today? 
Take no prisoner, take no names. 
Kick 'em in the a-- when they play their games.
"NPA's militant tactics cross the bounds of decent political debate," Malkin 
wrote in 2004.
Obama, in his 1995 memoir, said he wanted to go to Harvard Law School to "learn 
power's currency in all its intricacy," with the goal of "making large-scale 
change" as a national politician.

John L. McKnight
Before writing his recommendation, McKnight, a former ACLU director, advised 
Obama not to "compromise" his principles.
While Obama says he's perhaps more tolerant of compromise than McKnight, he 
says his views haven't really changed from his days organizing on behalf of 
radical Alinsky groups like Gamaliel and ACORN in Chicago.
"My views are not so much more refined than they were when I labored in 
obscurity as a community organizer," he averred in his 2006 autobiography.
Socialist dream
Alinsky, the father of community organizing, dreamed of socialism one day 
replacing the "jungle" of American capitalism. He wrote that he hoped "for a 
future where the means of production will be owned by all of the people instead 
of just a comparative handful."
Alinsky dedicated the first edition of his book, "Rules for Radicals," to 
Satan: "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very 
first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so 
effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer."
McKnight has advocated for another war on poverty, something Obama is proposing 
with his "Urban Prosperity" plan.__._,_.___ 

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