Syrian Mukhabarat Perhaps Responsible for Today’s Car-Bomb Attack
By Walid Phares

A car bomb, most likely a truck, exploded today in Syria on the highway leading 
to the Airport killing more than 17 and wounding many others. In the hours 
following the blast a media blitz came out of Damascus and Tehran accusing 
mainly (and automatically) Israel, but also hinting at "forces inside Lebanon 
in collaboration with regional powers -that would be the Saudis- aiming at 
harming Syrian national security." Commentators backing the Syrian version, 
including on al Jazeera, hinted at Sunni militants as suspects as well. 
Interestingly a Syrian group in exile said it was an accident and the truck was 
prepared for an operation in the region, most likely in Iraq. But experts in 
Syrian intelligence support to Terror operations said it is less likely that a 
truck destined to Iraq -or even Lebanon- would be prepared as far as Damascus. 
It would be too far and too risky. 
In a chat with Thomas Smith from the World Defense Review this morning, I 
advanced another theory: Most likely, it was produced by the Syrian 
intelligence services, or at least one of these agencies, for strategic 
reasons: One is to send a message to the West that Syria is also targeted by 
Terrorists. Two, it could be in preparation for actions to take place against 
anti-Syrian Sunni sectors inside Lebanon. Here is the short interview as 
published by World Defense Review today. 
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PHARES: Syrian Mukhabarat Perhaps Responsible for Today’s Car-Bomb Attack
27 September 2008 
By W. Thomas Smith
A powerful car-bomb detonated this morning in the Syrian capital, killing at 
least 17 and wounding scores. Why, who, or what terrorist entity is responsible 
has since been the subject of much speculation. But Middle East terrorism 
expert Professor Walid Phares says one “very possible scenario is that the 
attack was executed by the Syrian Mukhabarat (intelligence service) or one of 
these agencies as a prelude to attack Sunni strongholds inside Lebanon.”
Speaking by phone from Paris - where he is currently briefing counterterrorism 
experts, Defense officials, and others at the French Military Academy - Phares 
says: “When you connect the dots between Syrian President [Bashar] Assad, who 
calls on Lebanon’s president to send troops to the heavily Sunni-populated 
areas of north Lebanon, to the massing of Syrian troops along the northern 
borders, and then to the statements made by Syrian officials on Arab TV - 
including this morning on al Jazeera - that factions within Lebanon could be 
behind the explosion, you cannot but see the big picture: The strategic target 
of the Syrian regime is to control the Sunni areas in northern Lebanon who are 
fiercely opposing the pro-Assad Alawite militias in Tripoli and the advance of 
Hezbollah’s special units across the northern Bekaa towards Akkar in northern 
So the question is, would Syrian Intelligence forces actually detonate an 
explosive device on Syrian soil as a means of enflaming a situation, framing 
Lebanon, and creating an excuse to launch attacks across Lebanon’s borders?
Experts know there is no question but that they would. And as Phares explains: 
“The Syrian regime is desperately attempting to establish a perception of 
itself within the international community that Syria is engaged in combating Al 
Qaeda and its ilk inside Lebanon. It is within this perception that Syria hopes 
to gain some legitimacy from the West in order that Damascus may extend its 
reach and influence back inside its neighbor. The best way for Syria to 
accomplish this is to project an image of its being a victim to ‘Sunni radical 
terror.’ If one or more explosions inside Syrian territory will do it, that 
shouldn’t be a problem for a regime which is trying to save its skin in an 
ongoing international investigation and indictment in the Rafik Hariri 
assassination case.”
However, Phares says he does not expect “a direct Syrian intervention across 
the border into Lebanon; not immediately. The classical Syrian modus operandi 
is to see the situation deteriorating fully before they offer so-called ‘help.’”
He adds, “Fact is, the Assad regime is waiting to see who will enter the White 
House before moving to the next step toward Lebanon. For now the Syrian 
Mukhabarat is scoring point-by-point trying to regain the status of the regime 
internationally. That is very important for them.”
We asked Phares for his opinion regarding recent analysis proffered by everyone 
from Western media to consulting groups and think tanks, many of which contend 
the incident may well-be the result of increasing tension between Hezbollah and 
“Just the opposite,” he says. “Everything is coordinated between Tehran and 
Damascus. If it were otherwise, we would have witnessed different types of 
actions between the two camps and additional statements. Iran and Syria are 
solidly moving forward to score points against the U.S., Europe, Arab moderates 
and the UN. Those analysts who propose otherwise are being influenced by the 
sharp and well-funded Syro-Iranian propaganda and the power of the petrodollar.”
Dr. Phares directs the Future of Terrorism Project for the Foundation for the 
Defense of Democracies and is a visiting scholar at the European Foundation for 
Democracy in Brussels. He is currently on a European tour.

Mark R. Taylor
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