Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
AmericanTruckersAtWar Discussion Group

--- On Mon, 9/29/08, Family Security Matters [EMAIL PROTECTED]


September 29th
Ali Sina: The Making of a "Fuehrer" - must read analysis! Ann Coulter on Dems' 
complicity in mortgage mess. Limbaugh: Why does Barack Obama hide his far left 
liberalism? Coins being minted featuring Obama & White House - hubristic? 

House to Vote on Historic $700B Market Bailout

U.S. Diplomat Heading to North Korea Over Nuclear Facility Restart

Israel's elections

McCain, Obama may skip bailout vote

No Banker Left Behind 

The Sheriff and the Professor

Stop Blaming ‘All of Us' For This Wall St. Meltdown


Mainstream US Islamic Websites -- and Terror

Talk Isn't Cheap With Iran 

The Stockholm Curve 

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Exclusive: Sen. Obama Says Hamas and Hezbollah Have ‘Legitimate Claims'

Nicholas Guariglia
Having made such a shocking statement about two well known terrorist groups, 
FSM calls on Senator Obama either to retract his statement or to clarify it.

Burning Down the House: What Caused the Economic Crisis?

The Editors
Bad credit? No credit? No problem! Actually it's a, big problem. Find out just 
who and what really caused the current financial crisis and who benefited most 
from shaky home loans.

Exclusive: Missing at the Debate: The ‘J' Word

Ruth King
Why no mention of "Jihad" during the debate?

Tensions Flare between WCCR Director and Lebanon's (pro-Hezbollah) Foreign 
Minister at D.C. Reception

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.
"I will not shake hands with people working for Hezbollah!"

Fractured Fairytales about Jihad on Capitol Hill

Jeffrey Imm
Leading counterterrorism analysts fail to grasp the ideological problem of 
Islamic supremacism, focusing on tactics only while surrendering in the 
strategic war of ideas. Do they even care?

Time to ‘Cowboy Up' to Main Street

Salena Zito
Now that the campaigns have paused (and perhaps realized that they aren't just 
preaching to their respective choirs), what should they be saying?

Exclusive: Obama's Soldier Bracelet: Did Family Request Him to Stop Wearing It?

The Editors
Is it true that the soldier's mother asked Obama to stop wearing the bracelet 
he displayed during Friday's debate?
Read article and watch the video!

Exclusive: William J. Federer's
American Minute
Of 102 Pilgrims that landed November 1620, only half survived till spring...

Quote of the Day - Monday September 29

Taking tax rates to Jimmy Carter levels.

Caption Contest September 25-30

Will your caption come in at number one?

Exclusive: No Dinner Jacket Required

Satire by Shawn Goodwin
The slogan for the United Negro College Fund is "A mind is a terrible thing to 
waste." Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a prime example of what 
happens when art imitates life.

Enter the Muslim Brotherhood

Steve Emerson
Prosecutors in the Hamas-support trial presented evidence that the charity was 
the fundraising arm of a vast Muslim Brotherhood plan to help Hamas and to 
infiltrate the United States.

Building a National Enterprise to Keep America Safe, Free, and Prosperous

David Heyman, James Carafano, PhD
The Heritage Foundation has released a follow-up report on its joint 2004 study 
with DHS aimed at improving effectiveness in preventing and responding to 
terrorist attacks.

Exclusive: Obama and Palin - A Match (Almost) Made in Heaven

Leslie Sacks
She is certainly not the Dolce Gabbana-pants wearing, urbane intellectual from 
Greenwich Village or San Francisco, steeped in all-is-relative Harvard 
political correctness.

Obama's ‘Community Organizer' Experience In Perspective

Christopher Adamo
Obama's "community organizing" experience will be extremely useful in 
implementing his agenda should he become president - the very nature of which 
should have Americans gravely concerned.

Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign's Abusive Use of Missouri Law Enforcement
Obama Wants NRA Ads Banned
Is the first step? What will they ban next?
Frank's fingerprints are all over the financial fiasco
Malfeasance in high places?
Pruning the Rumor Weed
Gov. Palin and the Rape Kits
Clowns in the Cockpit
Do we need a total replacement of those representing us in congress?
Missing at Ole Miss
Debra Burlingame scores the first debate.
Prosecutors for Obama hunting for 'lying ads'
The True Story: What REALLY Happened at the White House
The Barack Obama Pop Quiz
Questions many Americans would like to ask the Dem candidate


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