Bet on Israel bombing Iran
By Robert Baer 
Monday, September 29th 2008, 8:44 AM 
Are we going to have an October surprise, an attack on Iran by either the Bush 
administration or by Israel to stop the regime from becoming a nuclear power?
It could happen - and alter the dynamics of the presidential race in the blink 
of an eye - but only if Israel pulls the trigger. Don't expect the United 
States to drop bombs anytime soon. The reason: Iran has us over a barrel. 
According to Britain's Guardian newspaper, Bush earlier this year nixed an 
Israeli plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. Reportedly, the President 
said no because we couldn't afford Iranian retaliation against our troops in 
Iraq and Afghanistan or Iran closing down Persian Gulf shipping. Nonetheless, 
cynical speculation is now swirling in some quarters that with the financial 
collapse working against McCain - and Bush's legacy coming into focus - the 
President might reconsider. Could that tail really wag the dog? 
Probably not. The fundamental global power dynamics have not changed. Iran has 
successfully blackmailed us. Iranian Silkworm missiles could close down Gulf 
oil exports in a matter of minutes, taking about 17 million barrels a day of 
oil off world markets. Americans could suddenly be looking at the prospect of 
$10-$12 for a gallon of gas. If the collapse of Wall Street doesn't push us 
into a depression, that would. And Bush is right: An angered Iran could punish 
us with thousands of extra casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, as 
Iranian-trained, armed and funded fighters flow back into the war zones with a 
So, giving the go ahead to Israel would just not be worth it. 
But none of this changes the fact that Israel - on its own, without U.S. 
complicity - is moving closer to a decision to attack Iran, almost by the day. 
What many Americans miss is that Iran is a threat to Israel's very existence, 
not an imagined danger used by politicians for political advantage. Every 
Israeli city is within range of Iranian/Hezbollah rockets. To make matters 
worse, since the July 2006 34-day war, Hezbollah may have as much as trebled 
the number of rockets it has targeted on Israel. 
Meantime, Hezbollah has become the de facto state in Lebanon. And lest we 
forget, Israel lost that July 2006 war to Hezbollah, pulling its troops out of 
Lebanon without having obtained a single objective. In other words, Israel no 
longer has its deterrence credibility, the fear that it can decisively 
retaliate against its enemies. 
Israel knows that international diplomacy against Iran up until now has been a 
farce. Iran called Bush's bluff, ignored sanctions and continued its nuclear 
program with impunity. And if the Israelis needed another psychological kick in 
the pants, last week North Korea announced that it is back to building a bomb, 
likewise with impunity. 
Finally, Israel has to calculate that American influence around the world is on 
the wane. Americans are tired of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And now, 
after the war in Georgia, Russia is opening up its flow of weapons to Iran. 
Couple all of this with Israel's suspicion that Iran is within only a few short 
years of having a nuclear bomb, and Israel knows time is not on its side. It is 
starting to believe that it has no choice but to change its fortunes with arms. 
This much is certain. Whether the President is named Bush, McCain or Obama, he 
will either have to prepare for war in the Gulf or find a way to bring Iran 
back into the nation-state system. The day of reckoning is near. 
I myself think a deal can be cut with Iran. During the last 30 years, Iran has 
gone from a terrorist, revolutionary power to far more rational, calculating 
regional hegemon. Its belligerence today has more to do with a weakened United 
States and Israel than with any plans to start World War III. 
The question is what price Iran would exact for a settlement. Or more to the 
point: Would we prefer to take our chances with an Israeli surprise? 
Baer, a former CIA case officer, is author of the just-released "The Devil We 
Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower."

Mark R. Taylor
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