Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
AmericanTruckersAtWar Discussion Group

--- On Mon, 9/29/08, milford421 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

        Thanks to Ruthr.
Police Investigate Bomb Threat On Airplane At Denver Airport
Posted: 27 Sep 2008 05:30 PM PDT
Authorities are investigating after a passenger allegedly made a comment on
Saturday that 
he had an explosive device on an aircraft at Denver International Airport.
According to officials as DIA, the passenger was accused of making the comment
as the 
airplane pulled away from the jetway, but before it was able to take off.
DIA Spokesman Chuck Cannon says the man said he had the explosive C-4 on
flight 552, bound for Minneapolis.
"Northwest flight 552 going from Denver to Minneapolis has been delayed
due to a 
security issue," said Northwest Airlines Spokeswoman Michelle Aguayo
Shannon. "One 
passenger was taken by authorities from the aircraft. Northwest apologizes to
customers for the delay and for the inconvenience."
The plane was towed away from the airport terminal while the threat is being
officials say.
Denver Police confirmed one person was taken into custody and no explosives
were found, 
however, they continued to search the plane.
Shannon says 140 passengers were aboard the aircraft.
Authorities say all of the passengers will be re-screened before being allowed
to board a 
new flight.
This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert. National
Terror Alert 
is America's trusted source for homeland security news and information.
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U.S. Increases Raids To Thwart al-Qaeda October Surprise Terror Plot
Posted: 27 Sep 2008 05:23 PM PDT

It appears that speculation of an October Surprise terror attack by al Qaeda is
being taken 
seriously by U.S. secret service forces.
According to the Telegraph, US secret forces are intensifying their
cross-border raids into 
Pakistani tribal areas because of fears of a high-profile al-Qaeda attack
during the 
American election campaign.
The Pentagon has ordered that raids on suspected terrorist targets within
Pakistan be 
stepped up to pressurise al-Qaeda leaders and distract them from preparing
attacks on 
American targets elsewhere.
"The aim is to disrupt their scope for planning and keep their leaders on
the move so that 
it is more difficult for them to co-ordinate complicated plots," a senior
US intelligence 
official told The Sunday Telegraph.
The approach of the US election has fuelled fears that al Qaeda or its allies,
including the 
increasingly active Haqqani network, will seek a headline-grabbing strike
against a 
symbolic American target such as an overseas embassy.
Last week's devastating truck bomb attack on Islamabad's Marriott Hotel
highlighted security concerns in Pakistan. The blast claimed the lives of 53
including two US military personnel, the Czech ambassador and a Danish
"The level of sophistication and destruction was a message to the
international community 
and the Pakistanis that we can pretty much hit you any place, any time,"
said Seth Jones, a 
senior regional analyst with the Rand Corporation, a leading security
Kamran Bokhari, Middle East director at Stratfor, an intelligence analysis
company, said 
that the scale of the attack - involving up to 1,000 kilogrammes of explosives
- was a 
clear indication that al Qaeda or its allies were involved.
"The target and modus operandi have the signature of a sophisticated
jihadi operation," 
he said. "The hotel is in a very sensitive area. If they can hit the
Marriott, why can't they 
hit courts or ministries or the prime minister's house?"
Against this backdrop, a senior US intelligence official said that al Qaeda was
seeking to 
stafe a major attack on an American target close to the election, to test the
new president-
"Their goal would not be to influence the election but merely to send a
message that they 
are still a force to be reckoned with," the official said. "They know
that a successful attack 
in the election season will have maximum impact, and they want to give the new
the jitters."
Any attack in the weeks before the Nov 4 election - what is known in American
circles as an "October surprise" - would almost certainly give a
decisive boost to John 
McCain, the Republican candidate who already holds a commanding lead on
questions of 
national security.
The US has for several years attacked suspected militant bases inside Pakistan
missiles fired from Predator drones. Tribesmen regularly shoot at the unmanned
although both the US and Pakistan rejected claims that a drone that crashed
near the 
border last week was broight down by gunfire.
But in July, Mr Bush approved classified orders authorising special operations
forces to 
conduct ground assaults inside Pakistan without seeking Islamabad's
approval after his 
commanders presented him with evidence about the militants' increasingly
secure bases 
in the tribal areas. Small commando units are flown in and out by helicopter
for precisions 
US steps up Pakistan raids to thwart al-Qaeda `October surprise' plot -
This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert. National
Terror Alert 
is America's trusted source for homeland security news and information.

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