Just like Obama they are Flip Flopping!!!
Since they were exposed...

Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!

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--- On Mon, 9/29/08, Renee E. Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Renee E. Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [uglypuppy] Prosecutors on Obama 'Truth Squad' sound retreat
Date: Monday, September 29, 2008, 11:43 PM

Prosecutors on Obama 'Truth Squad' sound retreat
No one involved 'has any intention of prosecuting anybody'

Posted: September 29, 2008
5:52 pm Eastern

By Drew Zahn
© 2008 WorldNetDaily 

Missouri prosecutor Bob McCulloch
Missouri law officials, including public prosecutors, who were reportedly 
planning to "respond immediately" to any misleading advertisements against 
Barack Obama if they "might violate Missouri ethics laws," have now backed off 
the intimidating implications of that report, promising that they have no 
intention of prosecuting anyone.
As WND reported, prosecuting attorneys Bob McCulloch and Jennifer Joyce 
originally announced on KMOV-TV in St. Louis their participation in Obama's 
"Truth Squad," pledging to defend the candidate from untruthful ads with an 
undefined "immediate" response.
"Whether it is directly attributable to the (McCain) campaign or to one of the 
soft money operations," McCulloch told the station, "if they're not going to 
tell the truth, somebody's got to step up and say, 'That's not the truth. This 
is the truth.'"
The move prompted Missouri's governor to object that the prosecutors were using 
"police state tactics" to squelch information hurtful to the Obama campaign.
"What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words," 
wrote Gov. Matt Blunt in a statement. "The party that claims to be the party of 
Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to 
silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal 
A spokesperson for St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, however, 
told WND that the televised "Truth Squad" announcement was misunderstood.
"The only action they would take would be to provide truthful information to 
the public so they can make up their minds," said spokesperson Susan Ryan. 
"Neither (Joyce) nor anybody involved in this has any intention of prosecuting 
When asked if the initial announcement suggested legal ramifications for 
"crossing ethics laws in Missouri," Ryan confirmed, "Unfortunately it did 
suggest that, but the 'Truth Squad' has no intention of prosecuting anyone for 
Further, Ryan insisted, attorneys McCulloch and Joyce are participating in the 
"Truth Squad" as part of their private citizenship, on their own time, and in 
no way in their capacity as prosecutors.
"That's not how they announced it," objected Gov. Blount in an interview on Fox 
TV's "America's Newsroom" talk show. "They rolled it out as prosecutors willing 
to take actions as prosecutors."
Blount conceded that government officials could serve on "Truth Squads" in 
their private time, but defended his sharp criticism of the way the 
announcement was made.
"What I found troubling," said Blount, "is that a campaign enlisted 
prosecutors, and those prosecutors specifically talked about targeting their 
opponents; they talked about responding to 'alleged violations of the law.' 
Generally when a prosecutor talks about responding to an alleged violation of 
the law, that means you're going to prosecute."
When Blount was asked if he would take action against the attorneys, he said, 
"They have really stepped back from how they announced this. When they 
announced this I think it was intimidating. … In a lot of ways they have 
reversed course, and I'm glad to see that."
While some of Missouri's reported "Truth Squad" have backed down, one of those 
named in the KMOV-TV report claims he was never on course to begin with.
Jefferson County Sheriff Oliver "Glenn" Boyer, who was also named Gov. Blunt's 
statement, told WND that not only had he never agreed to join the "Truth 
Squad," but also that it "infuriated" him that anyone would think he'd use his 
office to squash others' freedom of speech.
"I'm a small, Democratic sheriff in rural Missouri," Boyer told WND. "I haven't 
even seen the original interview with Jennifer Joyce and Bob McCulloch. … All I 
know is, I came into my office on Monday morning unaware of any of this. I had 
a fundraiser Saturday, when all this started, of my own. I came into my office 
Monday morning, and I've got 500 emails and 19 nasty phone calls calling me a 
communist pig! I think, 'Man, I thought it was a pretty good fundraiser.'"

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