WASHINGTON, DC (NS/CongBuchanan) –

Rep. Vern Buchanan today voted against a $700 billion Wall Street
bailout, saying the plan failed to protect taxpayers and was rushed
through Congress without adequate review of other options...

The bill was rejected in the House by a 205-228 vote...

Buchanan urged Congress to come back and pass a plan that protects
taxpayers while meeting our country’s economic needs...

“This bill was a bad deal for the American taxpayer and another
example of Washington not listening to the people,” Buchanan said. “My
constituents are angry – and rightfully so – that as they lose their
homes to foreclosure Congress considers bailing out the Wall Street
banks that created this problem.”

The bill would have cost every man, woman, and child an estimated
$2,300, according to newspaper reports...

“Our nation is at this point because Washington failed to provide
proper oversight of the marketplace and allowed Wall Street excesses
to flourish,” Buchanan said. “A better alternative without
jeopardizing taxpayers or creating a massive bureaucracy would have
been to explore enhancing the government’s existing lending facilities
and guarantee programs with the goal of recapitalizing the banks
without putting the taxpayer on the hook for $700 billion dollars.”

Additionally, Buchanan noted, the bill makes foreign banks eligible
for a bailout paid for by American taxpayers...

Last week, Buchanan sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson,
Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, and House leaders detailing his
serious concerns with the bailout plan...

Although they did make progress in addressing some of Buchanan’s
concerns, in the end it did not provide enough taxpayer protection and
did not give adequate consideration to other options...

“Although I agree that some type of action is warranted and that the
package was improved from the original Bush plan, in the end it did
not justify the enormous risk of a taxpayer bailout that could reach
$1 trillion dollars,” Buchanan said. “We should have taken a slower
approach that explored in greater depth the option of capitalizing the
banks directly without purchasing their bad debts with taxpayer

Buchanan noted the nation now faces a $10 trillion debt, a $400
billion deficit and no end in sight to budgets that are out of
balance.  “Now is not the time to be adding an enormous cost to our
already burdened economy without exploring better alternatives.”

Editor's Note:

Kudos to Cong. Vern Buchanan for having the guts to stand up for the
taxpayers of FL-13! The Congressman has once again shown his
leadership on Capitol Hill. The American tazpayer should in 'no way'
be financially responsible to bailout these institutions for the
mistakes THEY made along with way with the help of former President's
Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton and their Administrations for failing to
do what was in Americans best financial interests instead of 'bowing
down' to the pressure from minorities who never should have gotten
'some' of these loans toi begin with because they could not pay them
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