It's a Crisis of Confidence in Gov't

A caller expresses this entire situation brilliantly.

 The Politico: Bill's "Deep Unpopularity"
 Wizbang: Understanding $700 Billion 

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It's a Crisis of Confidence in Government

September 30, 2008

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RUSH: Potomac, Maryland.  This is Kathy, and you're up first.  It's great to 
have you here.

CALLER:  Dr. Limbaugh, your lecture today is brilliant.

RUSH:  Thank you.

CALLER:  I thank you for taking my call.

RUSH:  Thank you very much.

CALLER:  Love it.  I believe there is so much anger and distrust, cynicism out 
there over the fraud perpetrated at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and especially 
at the failure of congressional leadership, that what we have is a crisis of 
confidence in government, not the markets.  The foxes are putting themselves in 
charge of the henhouse and the henhouse is where the golden eggs would be laid 
if the government got out of the way.

RUSH:  That is so damn perceptive, I must applaud you.

CALLER:  Well, thank you, Dr. Limbaugh.  I learn at the feet of the master.

RUSH:  I think that's a great way to put it: a crisis of confidence in 

CALLER:  Not in the markets.

RUSH:  There's gotta be some of that, Kathy, because the Drive-Bys and the 
Democrats for the last two weeks have been drumming that up.  Remember, now, 
for the last -- what can we say? -- six years or five, at least, the Democrats 
in the media have been talking, "Recession, recession, recession, recession, 
unemployment, unemployment."  They have been trying to convince people we are 
in a recession when we're not even close to one, for five or six years.  Some 
people have obviously bought it.  Some people believe that. Obama: "Our better 
days are behind us."  Some people obviously believe this.  But the vast 
majority of people who are contacting members of Congress don't buy it.  They 
are ticked off about this, and their anger is at government.

CALLER:  Oh, yes.

RUSH:  You're exactly right.

CALLER:  Those lines must have been burning up on Capitol Hill yesterday 
because it took me a long time to reach Barney Frank's office, Chris Dodd, 
Nancy Pelosi, my own representative, Chris Van Hollen.  I tried them throughout 
the morning and the afternoon until I got through.  Barney Frank's office 
actually hung up on me after I politely suggested that he do the honorable 
thing and resign.  They said, "Oh, Republicans then should resign because they 
were in charge for 12 years," and then she just hung up. 

RUSH: (laughing)

CALLER: The others at least listened.  But I could tell they were under 
considerable strain yesterday from all the calls coming in.

RUSH:  Let me tell you what's happening out there today.  Barney Frank has 
written a piece in the Boston Herald -- which is the, quote, unquote, 
"conservative" paper in Boston -- blaming talk radio.  Yeah, Brian Maloney has 
this at his Radio Equalizer blog, his website.  There's another Democrat from 
California nobody's ever heard of, Sam Farr, F-a-r-r, who is blaming me. Barney 
Frank is blaming talk radio in general, Sam Farr blames me and all the other 
Kool-Aid drinkers.  I said yesterday, "They're going to get around to blaming 
me." Snerdley asked, "Have they blamed you yet?"  I said it will happen 
tomorrow.  It actually did happen today. By the way, Kathy, thanks much for the 
call.  You might want to listen to this.  Barney Frank asked for an opportunity 
to address this audience. 

 (A Frank Moment with Barney Frank) 

RUSH: You might have had some trouble understanding it.  Barney Frank is 
essentially saying that it's Bush's fault for not reining him in, for not 
reining Barney Frank in who doesn't know anything about banking.  Hell, he 
doesn't know anything about a prostitution ring being run in his own basement 
under his own nose, how can he know about banking?  He can fix parking tickets, 
but that's about it.  So it's the Republicans' fault for not stopping Barney 
Frank in this whole mess. (laughs)  It's funny to watch how they turned 
everything that happens into blame for the Republicans.  What's maddening about 
it is when our so-called conservative intelligentsia media takes a bite out of 
that apple and starts joining the chorus.  Barbara in Lexington, Kentucky, 
welcome to the EIB Network.  Hello.

CALLER:  Hey, Rush.  How you doing?

RUSH:  Never better.  Thank you.

CALLER:  Well, I'm a listener for quite some time.  I think since the first 
Clinton election. Anyway, I'm calling the EIB today so I can get some education 
because that's exactly what you do.  You educate us every day on the things 
that we need to know, because we're not going to get it anywhere else.

RUSH:  Thank you, madam.

CALLER:  And what I need to know -- I think I probably missed it, and I just 
don't have the information, but -- where is the $700 billion coming from?  I 
mean is it money that we already have in our government, or is it money that 
we're going to have to borrow?  I mean, where is it coming from?

RUSH:  What I have found in the past, when people actually want to learn and 
when they are steered in the direction of where they figure it out themselves 
rather than if they're told. 

CALLER:  Mmm-hmm.

RUSH:   So let me ask you a couple questions, all right?

CALLER:  Mmm-hmm.

RUSH:  Every year we have a budget deficit that is recorded to be 300 billion 
to 400 billion, sometimes $500 billion.  You know obviously what a deficit is?

CALLER:  Mmm-hmm.

RUSH:  All right, have you heard in recent years last, say, seven, eight, ten 
years, that we've had an annual budget surplus?

CALLER:  Yes.  During the Clinton years we were supposed to have a surplus to 
some degree, weren't we?

RUSH:  Yeah, I forget what it was, but it was a surplus on paper.  What I mean 
is, since the Bush administration took office, and budgets have been submitted, 
has any budget been balanced or has any budget shown that we will take in more 
money than we spend?


RUSH:  All right, so therefore the last six, seven, eight, ten, 12, 14 years, 
we have always spent more than we have. True?

CALLER:  True.

RUSH:  So there isn't any pot of unspent money, even equaling ten cents, to 
give to the mortgage lenders.  So the $700 billion obviously is going to have 
be either printed or borrowed from the Federal Reserve. 

CALLER:  Mmm-hmm.

RUSH:   Now, obviously you are wise enough to understand the compounding 
problem posed by this.  The national debt gets a little larger, the federal 
deficit, however they handle this on the books.  Your question is, where is it 
coming from?  We're going to borrow it. We may go to the ChiComs. "Hey, will 
you guys buy some more T-bills?"  The T-bills are like a roller coaster because 
of all this.  The ChiComs own a tremendous amount of our debt.  If they ever 
call it in, we're sunk! (laughing)  We're sunk.  They won't do it because they 
won't get it, but they own a lot of our debt.  That will be talked about at 
some point down the road.  So we're going to have to print it. We're going to 
have to borrow it from someplace.

CALLER:  Well, I certainly thank you so much for your time and giving you me 
some information to chew on as I listen to all these people who try to tell us 
all this stuff that's supposed to be going on with the stock market and 

RUSH:  Well, "all those people. You need to understand something about "all 
those people" 'cause I and the audience know who you mean by "all those 
people."  All those people believe that the beginning, the middle, and the end 
of everything important -- everything that makes people happy, everything that 
solves a problem -- is government.  And so there is never any criticism 
institutionally of government in a deal like this from people to whom 
government is the religion, to whom government is the god -- and I'm talking 
about the Democrat Party and most in the media.  So, Barbara, thanks for the 
call.  It's a pleasure. 


Read the Background Material...

• National Review: Bailout Politics - Thomas Sowell
• CNN: Commentary: Bankruptcy, Not Bailout, is the Right Answer - Jeffrey A. 
• YouTube: Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in Their Own Words Covering up 
the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam That Caused Our Economic Crisis
• Boston Herald: Bailout Plan Aims to Save Economy -- The Right's All Wrong in 
Blaming Democrats - Barney Frank

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