Extradition of the former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to The
Hague Tribunal is a logical ending of a project initiated 12 years ago,
the leader of Bosnian Muslims Alija Izetbegovic said. He warned that
this did not mean that Serbia had solved its problem with Bosnia as
well, Blue News Yugoslavia reports. 

"Mr. Milosevic's extradition cannot be Serbia's alibi. Serbia has not
settled its debts and, being the aggressor, it has to make reparations
to Bosnia and Herzegovina, " Mr. Izetbegovic said. "Bosnian Serbs are to
implement article 7 of the Dayton agreement and return everything they
had taken form us," leader of Party for Democratic Action concluded. 
Mr. Izetbegovic said that the transfer of the former Republic Srpska
President Radovan Karadzic to The Hague would "help the integration of
Bosnia and Herzegovina and intimidate those who dream of other
projects." "This is not enough. Mr. Karadzic and Mr. Mladic are not the
only ones, there are hundreds of those who had committed war crimes,"
Mr. Izetbegovic emphasized. He added that he was aware that the Muslims
had committed war crimes, such as those in the Herzegovina's town of
Grabovica and Kazana in Sarajevo. "There is not a fair war and an
innocent army," Alija Izetbegovic concluded

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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