NATO rules out return of Yugoslav forces to Kosovo
BRUSSELS, July 18 (AFP) - 

NATO Secretary General George Robertson ruled out Wednesday an immediate
return of even a small number of Yugoslav security personnel to
UN-administered Kosovo, as allowed by a UN resolution.

"Not at the moment," Lord Robertson, who travels Thursday to Macedonia
with EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana, told reporters after meeting
Yugoslav Foreign Minister Goran Svilanovic at NATO headquarters.

"The commander of KFOR (the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo)
continues to make regular assessment as to when the security situation
would make these things possible," he said.

Under UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which put Kosovo under
interim UN administration after a 78-day NATO air war against Belgrade,
Yugoslavia can deploy limited security forces in the mainly Albanian

The possibility that it might be able to do so has increased since the
downfall of the nationalist Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic last
October, and Serbia's decision to hand over Milosevic to an
international war crimes court on June 28 -- events which have improved
Yugoslavia's relations with 

A buffer zone that ran all along Kosovo's border with Serbia proper was
lifted in stages earlier this year, but distrust and contempt for Serbs
still runs high among Kosovo Albanians.

Covic, who is also Serbia's top official for Kosovo affairs, said
Belgrade "obviously" looks forward to sending its own soldiers and
police officers back into Kosovo, "but desire is one thing and reality
is another."

"We want to participate constructively in the solution of problems in
Kosovo," not only in the divided town of Kosovska Mitrovica, "but also
in Prizren, Pec, Pristina and all other areas," he said.

Legislative elections in Kosovo are set for November 17, but Serb
community leaders are linking their participating in the internationally
organized polls to the creation of safe conditions for the return of
Serb refugees.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimates there are 80,000 to
100,000 Serbs in Kosovo, after the flight of perhaps 200,000 Serbs and
other non-Albanians when UN administrators and KFOR deployed in June

Covic said: "We are certainly going to talk with representatives of the
Serb community and tell them what would be the consequences of ...
whether they want to participate or not."

"We are for a single Kosovo, and we are against the partition of Kosovo"
into ethnic Albanian and Serb zones, he added.

Robertson said: "We are working very hard at the moment on the issue of
the return of displaced people. We are committed to doing that... The
return of displaced people will start quite soon."

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