Title: Message
Published on Thursday, February 21, 2002 by the Associated Press
Carter Rips Bush on 'Axis' Label
ATLANTA (AP) -- Former President Jimmy Carter on Thursday criticized President Bush's labeling three countries an "axis of evil," saying the statement was "overly simplistic and counterproductive."

Carter said Bush's statement seriously jeopardized progress made with North Korea, Iran and Iraq in recent years.

"I think it will take years before we can repair the damage done by that statement," said Carter, speaking at an Emory University conference on the impact of terrorism.

Carter also said the growing gap between the rich and the poor continues to be the world's greatest challenge, although he noted that many terrorists falsely claim to be among the world's destitute.

"We are very concerned now about terrorism. Osama bin Laden is not poor, he's very rich -- and the people who committed those horrible acts on Sept. 11 were not poor," he said.

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