Serbian Orthodox Bishop of
Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija



Dear all in Christ,

Over the course of yesterday, last long night “Kristalhnicht” and this morning March 18, 2004, I have been in direct contact with His Grace Bishop  Artemije, F.Sava from Decani Monastery, F. Vasilije from Sopocani Monastery and other suffering brothers from Kosovo and Metohija. Written words that we see in the e-mails and bulletin info. are clear but come with little emotions. Based on my contacts I can say that it is much worse than we can imagine.  Also, I can assure you that there is no hesitance, our brothers and sisters will stay in the monasteries and churches with Serbian people determined to remain on this loved and sacred land. They are ready, if there is no other solution for the sacrifice.

His Grace Bishop Artemije asked me to greet each one of you conveying his pastoral blessings and ask you to help. The lives of the too long suffering Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija are in imminent danger. The Patriarchate of Pec, Monastery Gracanica and Decani have been threatened to be set on fire while at this moment I just received the sad new from f.Sava that Monastery Devich is in flames!

It is urgent, Bishop pleads each one of us to:

1.      convey the truth about these terrible news to all congressmen and senators, people of the high administration, other people of good will,  and the President himself and ask them to do everything they can to stop this madness, this lynch and crucifixion of the Serbian people and martyred Orthodox Church;

2.      call US authorities to send troops from Bondsteel to protect the shrines and people, because only US presence, even if symbolic,  can be a deterent to the Albanian mob. While it is true that these monasteries are not in “US zone” at this moment it is irrelevant because it is a matter of life and death and time is of essence;

3.      also call press and media and tell them the truth.

His Grace, further in the name of his Diocese of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija appeals to the people of Serbia, the Serbian diaspora, and all other people of good will, to organize peaceful street protests and light candles in protest against the pogrom that is being carried out in Kosovo and Metohija in the presence of 18,000 armed KFOR soldiers and several thousand members of UNMIK police. Serbian people and all other people of good will, must not remain with their heads bowed and must show the world that persecution and crimes must not be tolerated. Silence and resignation is the greatest possible aid to those who are taking advantage of the situation to completely put out the last flame of Serbdom and Orthodoxy in this region.


We appeal to the priests, monks and nuns to help with their devout prayers and all-night wake their suffering brothers and sisters in Kosovo and Metohija who are going through a Golgotha of unprecedented suffering, brutality and violence by Albanian extremists.

Serbian Orthodox Bishop of
Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija



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