Title: Message

Serbian Press Agency SRNA, Republika Srpska
April 23, 2004

Strbac: European Commission has a short memory

BANJA LUKA - The head of the Veritas Center for Documentation and
Information Savo Strbac said he was surprised by the positive opinion of
the European Commission with regard to the candidature of Croatia for
ascension to the European Union, taking into account the fact that no
one is mentioning the preconditions Croatia must first fulfill anymore,
including Serb returns, the reform of the justice system and the
extradition of Hague indictee Ante Gotovina.

"Instead of fulfillment of previous European Commission conditions, it
appears that the international community is satisfied with the
declarative promises of the Croatian authorities, which have not been of
any benefit to Serbs from Croatia in the past," emphasized Strbac at a
press conference in Banja Luka.

He emphasized that the Croatian authorities are continuing to arrest
Serb returnees, those who remained in Croatia or who are transiting
through the territory of that country with the goal of preventing Serb
returns and the restoration of their property.

"In order to effectively protect themselves from Serb returns, Croatian
officials have tried 4,600 Serbs in absentia indicted for supposedly
committing war crimes and, in Veritas' estimate, this has directly
prevented the return of more than 100,000 Serbs, primarily younger
people, to Croatia," claimed Strbac.

He said that 15 Serbs were arrested outside the territory of the former
Yugoslavia on the basis of Interpol warrants but fortunately such
arrests seem to have stopped lately because many foreign states are
aware that they are based on fabrications by the Croatian justice

Strbac said that in the current year there have been 12 Serbs arrested
in Croatia while there are still 500 wanted by Interpol for war crimes
in Croatia.

In the Croatian prison of Lepoglava there are 53 persons of Serb
nationality, 40 of whom were sentenced for war crimes, while the
remainder were sentenced for other crimes.

Strbac emphasized that since January of this year, the Croatian justice
ministry has failed to respond and is obstructing requests by
appropriate Serbia-Montenegro officials and Serb prisoners in Lepoglava
to allow them to be transferred to Serbia-Montenegro to serve the
remainder of their prison sentence in accordance with European

According to Strbac, Croatian authorities are also obstructing and
delaying the process of exhuming the bodies of approximately 1,000 Serbs
killed during Operations Flash and Storm in Krajina.

He expressed the hope that concrete plans in this regard will be agreed
upon at the beginning of May at a meeting of the Croatian office for the
search for the missing and the Serbia-Montenegro commission for
humanitarian issues and missing persons.

According to official Croatian statistics, Strbac said that so far in
Zagreb 15,000 Serbs have been forced to accept Croatian nationality,
while 20,000 Serb children primarily of pre-school and elementary school
age have been forcibly converted to Roman Catholicism.

He said that according to the Croatian census of 1991, there were
formerly 582,000 Serbs or 12.2 percent of the total population with Serb
statistics indicating that the figure was actually over 600,000 Serbs or
17 percent.

"After Operations Flash and Storm, more than 400,000 Serbs were expelled
from Croatia and the former Republic of Serb Krajina, and approximately
7,000 Serbs went missing or were killed in those operations," said


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