Russia calls for disarming illegal armed groups in Kosovo - Lavrov

09.06.2004, 17.10

        MOSCOW, June 9 (Itar-Tass) - Russia insists on "disarming illegal
armed groups in Kosovo," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said. 

After the talks with his Serbia-Montenegro counterpart Vuk Draskovic on
Wednesday, Lavrov said, "We cannot admit that the Kosovo Protection Corps
turns into a self-proclaimed army. This corps should be purely civilian." 

"It is necessary to ensure security in the areas where ethnic minorities
live," the Russian minister stressed. 

Lavrov said Russia is providing aid to Serbia in compliance with U.N.
Security Council resolution 1244 on Kosovo. 

"One of the most important tasks is to create real humane conditions for the
Serbian people, primarily for the return of refugees to their homes," the
Russian minister stressed. 

"The international presence in Serbia is not so efficient. In addition to
humanitarian aid, Russia is using its possibilities to build towns for Serbs
so that they can return home," Lavrov said. 

Kosovar authorities "are doing few concrete steps towards settling the
situation in the area. The March 15 events in Kosovo proved of this," the
minister pointed out. 

In his words, "The West understands that it is necessary to take serious
measures in order to improve the work of the Contact Group." 

Lavrov said, "It is necessary to make serious amendments to the U.N.
Security Council resolution on Kosovo." "The mechanisms of the resolution
cannot prove their effectiveness. The Contact Group, which is designed to
facilitate the settlement of the situation, should take more
responsibility," the minister emphasised. 

Draskovic called for eliminating the causes of ethnic cleansings in Kosovo,
ensuring security and respecting the rights of 200,000 refugees. In his
view, "now it is necessary to discuss measures to create European standards
in Kosovo."

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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