
More Revolting by the Minute

In the aftermath of Milosevic's death, CNN is wheeling out one arrogant imperial blowhard after another. Right now is Daniel Serwer, who was preceded by the always entertaining Richard Holbrooke.

As could be expected, they are pushing the "Milosevic was responsible for everything that ever went wrong" line to the hilt. And of course, Holbrooke gravely intoned that Milosevic was right up there with Hitler and Stalin.

All of this media bombast has little to do with Milosevic, and a lot to do with the Western media and power structures, whose reputations and careers are at stake. The coming week is going to see a long and drawn-out public orgy of hatred and slander against everything Serbian. Milosevic's death is just the catalyst, and anyone who doubts that will have to ponder why has-been Holbrooke used his time on CNN to not just call for but to ORDER that Kosovo and Montenegro be made independent; he also said there are "two more" war criminals who must be apprehended (Karadzic and Mladic), conveniently ignoring another duo, Haradinaj and Ceku over in Kosovo. That's because they are on the side of The Good, in other words, the West.

This week we are going to witness the awesome power of the mass media to shut down any debate or discussion about the facts. It is going to be sweeping, complete and brutal, and will use a hell of a lot of other adjectives too. Don't expect that after Milosevic is buried, wherever and however that may be, that the Official Truth will ever be contested again in a major way.

Posted by: Christopher Deliso on Mar 11, 06 | 8:51 am

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