Statement from the INTERNATIONAL
 (Brussels - Paris - Belgrade)
 March 11, 2006 /

 In Memoriam Slobodan Milosevic (1941-2006):


 The Yugoslav president, 64 years, died, this March 11 in the cells of The
Hague of the so-called " International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia (ICTY)", a anti-Serb and  anti-Yugoslavian war machine, created,
financed and controlled by Washington and  its muppets of NATO  where it had
been held for more than  four years for so-called " war crimes, crimes
against  humanity and genocide "  after being kidnapped in Belgrade,  with
the contempt of the Yugoslav and international laws.
 The so-called faked “trial” organized by NATO   against President
Milosevic, had been several times suspended since  its beginning on February
12, 2002 for health reasons.  Slobodan  Milosevic suffered in particular
from serious cardiovascular disorders  , which did not prevent the NATO's
media to speak over “simulation”.
 The so-called ICTY had rejected at the end of February a request
conditional release deposited by lawyers of Slobodan Milosevic for going to
cure in Russia, spite of the guarantees deposited by
Moscow.Radio-television of Serbia indicated that Milosevic was deceased
after its health " had suddenly worsened "   A foreseeable situation.  A
death which is connected with a  crime.  And a death which falls just at the
good time for the so-called ICTY and its  Masters  whereas President
Milosevic, of the general opinion  of independent observers, broke the
charge and was the moral winner of the unequal and difficult fight that he
carried  out against the “court”. “The International Criminal Tribunal for
the former Yugoslavia was created in 1993 to try those responsible for
atrocities during the Balkan wars then raging. It was the first experiment
in international war crimes jurisprudence since World War II, and was the
model for the creation of more tribunals. But the success of the court was
being weighed by the happenings in Courtroom, where the defiant, combative
Serb leader sparred with witnesses and judges alike”, said THE GUARDIAN.

 We share the accusations of our Russian comrade Babourine   who qualifies
of " crime "  the refusal of The Hague Court to authorize Milosevic to
follow a treatment in Russia :  "It's to commit a crime to refuse a medical
care to a  patient.  It is a coarse violation of the humans right "   It  is
indeed in these suitable terms that the president of the Rodina  fraction in
Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament), Sergueï  Babourine, commented
on Saturday for RIA Novosti the news of the death  of the Yugoslav
 With Sergueï Babourine, we estimate that the iniquitous and unworthy "
judges "  of the so-called " Court " of The Hague did not  have any interest
to carry out until the end the judicial enquiry  relating to Slobodan
Milosevic   It is the true reason for  which the so-called ICTY had refused
to authorize Milosevic to be gone to  Moscow to follow a treatment there.
 It should be recalled that Slobodan Milosevic is the third  Serb accused to
die for lack of suitable care in the cells of the  prison of The Hague.
" It is necessary to put a  term at this ignominieuse thing (the Court of
The Hague) and to give  all the accused to the legal authorities of  their
respective  countries to be judged there by national courts ",  said Sergueï
Babourine in his conclusion that we approve.
 The brother of Milosevic, Borislav  has on his side accuse in Moscow the
so-called ICTY to be " entirely responsible "   for the death of the
Yugoslav president.

 The death of the Yugoslav president is indeed full of shadows. In Belgrade
even, in the sector of professional  information, one evokes even an
assassination of President Milosevic,  camouflaged in heart failure.  And
justified by the collapse of the  charge, particularly following the suicide
last week of Milan Babic,  former president of the Serbs of Croatia, and
which was to  testify against Milosevic after being submited to the
blackmail of  the ICTY.
 “In the midst of his defence, after Carla del Ponte's inept attempt  at
prosecution (many of her key witnesses turned out to be liars)  Slobodan
Milosevic was about to call some resounding names in international circles
to the stand. Now, they will not have to go.  How very convenient the
"death" of Slobodan Milosevic is. With the "disappearance" of an important
witness in Milosevic's trial, Milan Babic, through suicide, less than a week
ago, the Hague detention centre could rightly be called Death Row and is
evidently unfit to detain and protect prisoners”, comment the PRAVDA.

 Voices also rise in Russia to denounce an assassination. Let us listen
General Leonid  Ivashov - ex head of the Defense Ministry international
cooperation department and vice-president of  the Russian Academy for
geopolitical problems - which  affirms that the death of Milosevic is a "
political  assassination ":  " regard it as a contract political killing
because the court proved incapable of proving his guilt and acquitting
Slobodan Milosevic would amount to denouncing NATO for the aggression
against Yugoslavia. It is a murder. The doctors whom Slobodan Milosevic
trusted were not allowed to see him. Besides, he was not allowed to travel
to Russia for treatment even  though he asked. 
He was deliberately placed in a situation that caused his death ".
 Sharing these relevant charges, the leader of the KPRF, the Communist
Party of Russia, second party of the country,  Guenadi Zouganov  affirms
that " Over the nearly four years of the proceedings in the Milosevic case
carried out by the so-called International Tribunal, the judges have
actually found themselves in a deadlock. And Milosevic's death is a way out
of this deadlock for those who organized this shameful framed-up trial,"
Zyuganov told Interfax Saturday. The death of this man is on the conscience
of the judges who recently declined his request that he temporarily travel
to Russia for medical treatment,  despite the fact that doctors confirmed
that his health was extremely poor ".
 The head of the Duma's international affairs committee, Konstantin Kosachev
has also serious  interrogations. He said “the competence of doctors who
kept refusing to recognize the seriousness of the former Yugoslavia
president's condition should come under close scrutiny”. He added that the
“circumstances of Milosevic's death should be thoroughly investigated”.

 Defender of the Serb people, but more especially of the Yugoslav
transnational Idealn  president Milosevic had refuse  the collapse of the
first socialist Yugoslavia - that  of marshal Tito -, wanted and planned by
Washington and  Bonn, an essential stage of the expansion of NATO in the
East,   the new “Drang nach Osten”, consecutive to the collapse of the SSSR.
 The heroic resistance that he had directed during the last decade of  XXth
Century against the aggressions of NATO  (allied  in particular with the
Albanian Maffias, the Croatian fascists and the  Bosnian islamists, in the
name of " democracy "  - sic - and " humans right " - resic), and  whose top
had been the embargo  and  the criminal bombings of 1999, was a capital
element which prevented Eastern Europe from falling entirely in the  hands
of the Atlantist new colonialism.  It particularly gave time to  the
re-establishment of the Russian power, or to the victorious
counter-offensive of Socialism in Belarus of President Lukashenko.  And was
one of the fronts where was contained the New World  Order “made in the USA”
 Remembering the role of Tito in the No-aligned Movement, second  socialist
Yugoslavia, founded by Slobodan Milosevic in 1991, was also  active in the
anti-imperialist struggle and had particularly  developed assistance and
relations of friendship with Belarus, Ba' athist Iraq and  Syria and
socialist Libya.

 In Serbia, well far from being forgotten, Slobodan Milosevic was the symbol
of Resistance to the Western offensive.   His partisans remain
numerous and the parties of the National-patriotic Opposition - SPS, SRS,
SSJ - which continue his fight; are in full rise.  Although prisoner of the
cells of the so-called ICTY,  Milosevic himself had been triumphantly
elected Deputy in the last elections of 2004.
 Far from “closing an old era”, as the servants of Washington - like Solana
-  hope it, the strange death of Slobodan Milosevic on contrary will
accelerate the rise to power of the National-patriotic  Opposition  and
singularly of the SRS. Because the Serb people is not yet enclosed in the
yoke of Western  conformism and preserve values of honor and heroism.

 President Milosevic never had abdicated, never given up.  In front of his
dishonnest “judges”, he carried out an effective and  pugnacious struggle,
in defense of his Yugoslavia and of the honor of the Serb  people, to which
he had sacrificed his life.  He died by carrying out  this last fight, by
which he joined the Serb heroes fallen in front of  the enemy.
 IVICA DACIC, from the SPS / Socialist Party Of Serbia, said that “He was
systematically killed by all the years he spent in The Hague and this is a
great loss for Serbia, the Serbian people and the Socialist Party of Serbia.
It is of major importance for the future of our country that through his
defence and the fact he died without being convicted, Milosevic had managed
to defend national and state interest”.
 Tomorrow, when a true Europe, One, Great and  free, from Vladivostok to
Reykjavik, will be released from the chains of  Yankee new colonialism and
imperialism, the sons and daughters of Europe will remember with emotion the
fight of  the last Yugoslav  president and will greet his memory.
 We will not forget, we will not forgive, the struggle follows !
 Slobodan Milosevic present !


 (Brussels - Paris - Belgrade):

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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