-[The West's support of Kosovo secession] will not
lead to peace and stability either in the Balkans or
beyond the region, in view of simmering conflicts in
Europe and in other parts of the world.
Strangely and regrettably, western nations are
ignoring these realities; they prefer to tear Kosovo
away from Serbia, the deciding factor being the desire
to humiliate Belgrade and Russia.


Voice of Russia
July 18, 2007

Russia to reject new Kosovo resolution

Veto-wielding Russia will reject a new resolution by
the UN Security Council, which proposes granting
Kosovo independence without Serbia's consent, the
Russian envoy to the UN said on Tuesday.

The latest draft resolution on Kosovo, proposed by the
United States, Britain, and France, gives Belgrade and
Pristina four months to settle their differences.

If they fail to agree, Kosovo is to be granted
independence without the approval of Belgrade in
accordance with the revised proposal of UN special
envoy Martti Ahtisaari.

"We believe that Ahtisaari's plan is flawed. New
impartial talks are needed with a new independent
mediator," Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said after a
closed session of the UN Security Council.

Voice of Russia
July 18, 2007


Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Britain and America
have jointly submitted to UN Security Council a fresh
draft of a resolution on the future status of Kosovo.

According to available information, the new draft is a
retouched version of the one that had earlier been
circulated among members of the Council.

The Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov has
already said that the latest draft is unacceptable:

The major issue is that the problem of the
fore-solution of the independence of Kosovo has not
been removed from the day's agenda.

Despite flowery and cunning diplomatic language in
which the new draft is clothed, the idea of granting
Kosovo independence irrespective of whether Belgrade
and Pristina have reached mutually acceptable
agreement after 120 days negotiations, is easily
understood. It is the kernel of the Ahtisaari plan,
said Lavrov.

Moscow remains convinced that a durable and enduring
solution of the Kosovo problem can be achieved only
when Belgrade and Pristina have found a mutually
acceptable compromise.

Any other solution will amount to the trampling under
foot of the will of one of the feuding parties, and
that will not lead to peace and stability either in
the Balkans or beyond the region, in view of simmering
conflicts in Europe and in other parts of the world.

Strangely and regrettably, western nations are
ignoring these realities; they prefer to tear Kosovo
away from Serbia, the deciding factor being the desire
to humiliate Belgrade and Russia.

Significantly, the possibility of solving the Kosovo
cliff-hanger problem outside the UN began to do the
rounds as the new draft resolution was being presented
to the Security Council

The EU spokesman on foreign affairs and security,
Javier Solana, has proposed that future dialogue
between Belgrade and Pristina should be held under the
auspices of the contact group, comprising the U.S,
Russia, France, Italy, Germany and Britain.

The calculation is obvious: in contrast to the
Security Council, Russia has no veto power in the
contact group and hence the Kosovo problem can be
solved without bothering about Russian opposition.

Voice of Russia
July 18, 2007

Serbia: Kosovo not an exchange coin

Serbia does not want to use Kosovo as small change in
its effort to join the European Union.

The Serbian Ambassador to Russia Statimir Vukicevic
says unilateral recognition of the sovereignty of
Kosovo will torpedo regional stability.

Serbian President Vojislav Kostunica says Belgrade is
ready to grant Kosovo more autonomy but will not let
it go even if Serbia gets admitted to the European

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