Basque Government: "Kosovo, the example of how to solve problems"

Executive in Gasteiz has underlined that Kosovo’s independence means "a 
new example in Europe in which problems can be solved through democracy 
and dialogue, respecting citizens' wish".
Basque Government Spokeswoman, Miren Azkarate. Photo: EFE

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Basque Government Spokeswoman, Miren Azkarate. Photo: EFE

Basque Government Spokeswoman, Miren Azkarate, has declared today that 
Kosovo’s independence, which will be proclaimed in “a few hours”, means 
a "lesson of how to solve identity and belonging conflicts in a peaceful 
and democratic way".

In her opinion, "XXI century is identity and nations century, the 
century of respecting citizens’ wish", and in this context, 
self-determination right is "the key" to give a "definitive" solution to 
Basque political conflict.

Azkarate has stated that Kosovo’s independence means "a new example in 
Europe in which problems can be solved through democracy and dialogue, 
respecting citizens’ wish".

Moreover, she has emphasized that "mainly all European States, except 
for Serbia, Russia and Spain", are in favor of Kosovo’s independence", 
which "is not the first, but a new example and way to solve problems".

"That problem is also in Belgium, Scotland Basque Country and 
Catalonia", she has added.

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                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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