11080 Zemun, 3 Magistratski trg

Tel. 3077-028,                            No. 1233/10 – 
Sept. 29, 2010 


       To President of the Russian Federation, 

       His Excellency Dmitry Medvedev

(delivered through the Embassy of the Russian  Federation in Belgrade)


Your Excellency, 

We sent a letter to you on September 27, 2009 (No. 969/09 – 27. 01. 2009) and 
we reminded you of the horrible injustice of the international community 
against the Serbian people in the Republic of the Serbian Krajina (UN Protected 
Area) and Croatia. The expulsion of the Serbian people was carried out by the 
Croatian Army on May 1st and on August 4th 1995, with the political and 
diplomatic support of the member states of the EU and NATO. 

You are President of one of the most powerful countries of the World. Taking 
this into account, the Russian Federation is responsible for the destiny of 
Civilization and for the destiny of the deprived Serbian people in it. History 
teaches us that any evil inflicted to the Serbian people was inevitably 
inflicted to the Russian people and state, too. The reason for this is a 
century-long strategy of the West European powers and the Vatican (in the last 
two centuries joined by the USA), according to which Russia should be conquered 
and its enormous geographical space and mineral riches exploited. The Vatican 
and West European countries used to launch war campaigns against Russia, 
recruiting Catholic Slavs, and in the WW I and WW II Orthodox Bulgarians as 

They did not succeed only in winning over Orthodox Serbs for this strategic 
hostility against Orthodox Russia, but they hope to achieve it in near future. 
Because of centuries-long brotherhood between the Russians and Orthodox Serbs, 
the West used to convert Serbs into Catholic faith, or to exterminate them 
biologically – using Catholic Southern Slavs and Muslims in that crime of 
genocide as well. 

The break-up of Yugoslavia was carried out in order to inflict harm to Russia. 
Yugoslavia as a state had Serbian Orthodox  majority and the West feared that 
Serbs could make Yugoslavia an ally of Russia. They knew very well that without 
such Yugoslavia there would be no potential Russian ally – in case of war or 
deteriorated relations between the West and Russia. This is why the NATO member 
states have reduced Serbian state to a meaninglessly small space: 

1.     The territory of the Republic of Serbian Krajina (UN Protected Area) has 
been completely ethnically cleansed (Serbs constituted 88% of population) and 
included into the Croatian state; and 

2.     Serbs have been expelled from Kosovo and Metohija, and the West has 
additionally brought Muslim Shiptars from Albania, proclaiming this Serbian 
territory a new state.                      


In the same way as in our previous letter, we remind you that the UN Security 
Council put the Republic of Serbian Krajina under the protection of the United 
Nations. This was done through Resolution 743 (1992), where it was stated that 
in the Republic of Serbian Krajina would not be applied laws of the Republic of 
Croatia. Such a decision of the UN was based on centuries-old sovereignty of 
the Krajina Serbs. That sovereignty was established by the decision of 
Hungarian king Mathias Corvin in 1473. The king granted Serbian self-government 
and independent military and judiciary organizing of the Serbs. Such status of 
the Krajina Serbs was confirmed by Austria in 1639, when Emeperor Ferdinand II 
signed the Serbian Constitution (Wallachian Constitution – Statuta 
Vallachorum). Serbs in Austria had their own municipal courts and the Supreme 
Court, free of interference of Austrian courts. (In that time Croatians were 
only serfs in Austrian state). The sovereignty of the Krajina Serbs was also 
confirmed after WW I, when The State of Serbs, Croatians and Slovenes was 
formed. It united with Serbia to form Yugoslavia in 1918. The sovereignty of 
Serbs in the Republic of Serbian Krajina was confirmed by the decisions of 
Antifascist Council of People’s Liberation of Yugoslavia in 1943, what was 
included in the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia in 1945. Croatia was 
established as a binational state of Croatians and Serbs, like Belgium, which 
is the state of Flemings and Wallonians. The Croatian Parliament abolished the 
sovereignty of the Serbs, proclaiming, in 1990, the Republic of Croatia the 
state of Croatian people only. A group of members of the Parliamentary Assembly 
of the Council of Europe, suggested the Croatian Parliament that Croatia 
restore the sovereignty status of the Serbian people and that it be a 
binational state, as it was until 1990. The Serbian sovereignty in Krajina has 
been confirmed by the Supreme Court of California, which has recognized the 
Government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina as a co-accuser against the Bank 
of the Vatican and the Franciscan Order in Croatia – in the case concerning 
plundering of the Serbian, Jewish and Roma families during World War II. 

Anti-Serbian policy was also carried out by the Communist authorities in 
Yugoslavia, for it was imposed by the Comintern in Moscow after World War I. 
Within the Comintern this was done by the Communist operational personnel from 
Austria, Germany, France and other West European countries. The initial 
elements of the Communist anti-Serbian views can be seen in the works of 
Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, in accordance with their unequivocal anti-Slav 
attitudes. They wrote against all Slavs, and especially against the Orthodox 
ones. In this way anti-Serbian attitudes were cherished in Yugoslavia from 1941 
to 1990, and owing to the Comintern they were cherished in Russia in the time 
of Boris Yeltsin. Mr. Yeltsin did nothing to prevent the NATO invasion of 
Serbia and Montenegro in 1999, nor did he oppose the expulsion of the Serbs and 
Roma from Kosovo and Metohija. Thanks to His Excellency, Vladimir Putin, the 
Russian policy regarding Orthodox Serbs and the Serbian state has become more 
realistic. Now we have reasonable steps of the Russian Federation, which has 
started speaking in favor of the Serbian national interests at the UN Security 
Council meetings. 

Your Excellency, 

We are convinced that you will understand these historical sufferings of the 
Serbian people and that you will, for the sake of the Russian national and 
state interests, protect the Serbian people and the Serbian state. We are also 
convinced that you will remove the forgeries about the alleged sufferings of 
Russia in World War I – because of the Russian waging war against 
Austro-Hungary due to the Austrian invasion of Serbia in 1914. Today it is 
clear that Austro-Hungary and Germany had prepared the invasion of Russia, and 
that they would have invaded Russia even if there had not been the 
assassination of the Austrian heir to the throne in Sarajevo. The Russian 
Emperor, St Nicholas II, had the data on the then war preparations against 
Russia, and in due time he gave support to the true Russian war ally – the 
Kingdom of Serbia. 

Your Excellency, 

Civilization has reached its bottom. It is clearly illustrated by the behavior 
of the UN member states in regard to the suffering Serbian people from the 
Republic of Serbian Krajina and Croatia. On a daily basis Brussels sends 
messages that no state can become a member of the EU without removing 
misunderstandings with its neighbors and with the subjects of another people or 
religious organization. Croatia has been promised to become the next EU member, 
but it has not removed any consequence of its invasion and occupation of the 
Republic of Serbian Krajina. It has abolished citizenship to all Orthodox 
Serbs,  capturing their movable and real estate properties, and it does not 
intend to pay out the war damages for the killed Serbs, Jews and Roma in the 
World War II, or to pay out the war damages for the expulsion of 800 000 Serbs 
from the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Croatia in 1990-1995 period. In spite 
of such violations of the human rights of an entire people, the bodies of the 
UN, EU, OESC, and of other international organizations do not take any measures 
against the Government of the Republic of Croatia. Croatia is not even 
suggested to do something, let alone threatened with banking, commercial or 
other sanctions. In such a situation, the Government and the Assembly of the 
republic of Serbian Krajina do not see any other solution but to ask that all 
expelled Serbs be given the citizenship of the Russian Federation. In that way 
Croatia would be obliged to give back houses, business facilities, farms, sea 
and river vessels, holiday facilities and all other properties, as well as 
money deposits in Croatian banks, to all and each expelled family. 

The first president of the Association of Russian-Serbian Friendship, eminent 
Serbian intellectual, Veselin Djuretic Ph. D, used to send messages to the 
expelled Serbs to apply to embassies and consulate of the Russian Federation 
all over the World – to be immediately given the Russian citizenship. He 
reiterated this during the Scientific Assemblage on the Hague Tribunal, held in 
Belgrade on September 19, 2010, and on the occasion of erecting a monument to a 
Chetnik antifascist, Vuk Kalaitovic, a commander of the Chetnik Corps of 
Mileseva – at Nova Varos on September 21, 2010. Dr Veselin Djuretic and the 
Government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina in Exile think that none other 
country in Europe could not protect the expelled Serbian people and remove the 
consequences of the Croatian crime of genocide against the Serbs in the World 
War II and at the end of the XX century, except the Russian Federation. It 
could not be done by the Republic of Serbia because the USA and EU have reduced 
its military and economic strength, as well as its international reputation, to 
the lowest level. 

Your Excellency, 

We believe that the Russian diplomatic bodies, when addressed by the expelled 
Serbs to be given the Russian citizenship, will proceed in accordance with the 
provisions of the UN Convention on the Status of Refugees from 1949, which 
provide for accepting the  documents that parties dispose of, or for accepting 
statements of witnesses, for Croatian authorities do not issue most personal 
documents to the displaced persons. 

Your Excellency, 

This letter is open by its character, and we hope that it will not do any harm 
to the Russian Federation. We think that it can only help your country because 
the contents of the letter will be presented to statesmen of other UN member 
states, and no counter-arguments are possible because they are all obliged to 
respect the human rights in all parts of our planet, and the inhabitants of the 
Republic of Serbian Krajina, whose human, personal, and collective rights have 
been violated for more than 15 years, cannot be the exception. 


Respectfully Yours, 

Milorad Buha, Prime Minister                              Rajko Lezaic, 
President of the Parliament                        

With compliments, R. Licina, minister. 

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