surprise! NY published my note.

...  as the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek explained in a 2008 interview 
with Euronews in Sarajevo (above), international mediators handed victory 

to the extreme nationalists in Bosnia  ...

[ Not only 'nationalists' - but 'extreme' nationalists. ]

...  Then there is also the fact, in a post 9/11 world, the justifications of 
Mr. Karadzic and Mr. Mladic, who claimed in the 1990s that they were defending 
Europe’s Christian civilization, like their ancestors who fought the Turks 
centuries ago, have recently been embraced by anti-Islam culture warriors like 
Pamela Geller, who had led the opposition to a community center in Lower 
Manhattan that would contain a mosque.

As her former ally Charles Johnson  
 pointed out recently, Ms. Geller posted  
 an impassioned defense of Mr. Karadzic on her blog in July.  ...


13 Readers' Comments

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From:  jpm

Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 11:35 AM



My comment

At Christmas 1994 mujahedin came to Croat houses and ordered these Catholic 
families to take down their Christmas decorations. These are "harmful to 
Islam". Tens of thousands of Catholic Croats and Orthodox Serbs have been 
"ethnically cleansed" from Muslim dominated central Bosnia. Those remaining 
there were denied any share of UN humanitarian aid.  The leader of the 
fraudulently labelled "secular, tolerant "Bosniaks" was Alija Izetbegovic, a 
name identifying an Ottoman landlord who was authorized to exact taxes from 
infidel serfs. In Bosnian they are cxalled "raja" - cattle. Izetbegovic  
published a tract in 1970 entitled "Islamska Deklaracija /'Islamic 
Declaration",which was  re-issued in 1990, two years before the war broke out  
in Sarajevo. The key passage of the thin volume is:  “There can be no 
coexistence between  Islamic faith and non-Islamic social structures. There is, 
therefore, no secular principle...


The Islamic movement must and can take over  power as soon as it is morally and 
numerically strong enough, not only to destroy the non-Islamic power, but to 
build up a new Islamic one." 




October 22, 2010, 2:29 pm


In Jail or on the Run, Karadzic and Mladic Could Still Win Bosnia’s War


In an interview in Sarajevo in 2008, the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek 
explained how, in ideological terms, Radozan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic actually 
won the war in Bosnia.

As my colleagues  
<> Dan Bilefsky 
and Doreen Carvajal report, European countries have apparently reduced the 
pressure on Serbia’s government to arrest Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb 
general still wanted on war crimes charges by an international tribunal in The 
Hague for his part in the massacre of 8,000 men and boys after forces under his 
command seized the Bosnian town of Srebrenica in 1995.

Even if Mr. Mladic does eventually join his wartime political leader, Radovan 
Karadzic, in The Hague, though, some close observers of the Balkans have argued 
that the extreme nationalist ideology the two men used to justify the brutal 
campaign of ethnic cleaning carried out by their Bosnian Serb Army and allied 
paramilitary groups, did ultimately rout the forces of tolerant 
multiculturalism in Bosnia.

That is partly because, as the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek explained in 
a 2008 interview with Euronews in Sarajevo (above), international mediators 
handed victory to the extreme nationalists in Bosnia by essentially accepting 
their radical argument that the country’s three main communities, of Bosnian 
Serbs, Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Muslims — which were so tightly interwoven 
before the war that about one-third of marriages were mixed — were so 
ethnically and culturally different that they could not possibly live together 
in peace.

Despite decades of peaceful coexistence that seemed to prove the contrary, and 
the fact that almost everyone in all three Bosnian groups actually shares a 
single Slavic ethnicity, European and American diplomats looking for a way to 
stop the bloodshed endorsed the idea that Mr. Karadzic and Mr. Mladic were, as 
they claimed, engaged in an age-old clash of civilizations by agreeing that  
<> partition 
along ethnic-religious lines was the only possible solution.

During the 2008 Sarajevo film festival, Mr. Zizek told Euronews: “When people 
come here, a typical multiculturalist would say, ‘Oh, I want to understand how 
your are different.’ No. What you should understand is that fundamentally they 
are not different here.” 

The Slovenian philosopher added:

The true tragedy is that, as some intelligent Bosnian politicians pointed out, 
that Karadzic basically succeeded. His basic program was that a big part of 
Bosnia should be reserved — ethnically cleansed — for Serbs. This is what 
effectively happened, the Republika Srpska is 51 percent of the territory, they 
have less than 10 percent of others, non-Serbs. This was Karadzic’s program. So 
the irony is that — it’s like Caesar, you know: Caesar died, Caesarism won. For 
this, it’s too late. This is the hypocrisy: you condemn the guy, the project 

Mr. Zizek’s complaint was founded in the fact that the 1995 Dayton peace 
agreement that ended the war by dividing power among the country’s three main 
groups paid lip service to the idea of keeping the country in one piece, but it 
also enshrined in law the concept that Serb nationalists had a right to 
political control of the half of Bosnia they had all but emptied of non-Serbs 
through violent intimidation, rape and murder during the conflict.

It even remains possible that the ultimate political goal of the nationalist 
forces unleashed by Mr. Karadzic and Mr. Mladic, an entirely separate 
nation-state for Bosnian Serbs, could become a reality in the near future.

This month, voters in that ethnic Serb fiefdom inside Bosnia, known as the 
Serbian Republic,  
<> elected Milorad 
Dodik, a nationalist who has has repeatedly threatened secession, their 
regional president.

Mr. Dodik has in his favor the fact that, after the political settlement in 
Bosnia was reached and the Serbs were not allowed to secede — on the principal 
that borders must not be changed by force — NATO went to war with Serbia on 
behalf of an Albanian ethnic majority in its province of Kosovo. After that 
campaign, America and many European countries then decided to recognize 
Kosovo’s right to declare its independence from Serbia — in a territory that 
had, at least partially, been ethnically cleansed of Serbs.

The way the Dayton Accords divided political power in Bosnia along 
ethnic-religious lines — with a three-person presidency made up of one Serb, 
one Croat and one Muslim — also gave legal sanction to discrimination against 
Jews, Roma and other minorities who stayed in Bosnia through the worst of the 
fighting. After Dayton, they were barred by law from standing for the 
presidency or upper house of Parliament. Last year a leader of Bosnia’s Jewish 
community, Jakob Finci, who was also Bosnia’s ambassador to Switzerland, won a 
discrimination suit against the country he represented before the European 
Court of Human Rights.

After the court victory, Mr. Finci’s lawyer, Clive Baldwin,  
<> wrote in 
Foreign Policy:

For such a historic case, it was a remarkably short hearing — just three hours. 
The verdict, however, took months. Finally, on Dec. 22, it came: Excluding 
Jews, Roma, and other minorities from the presidency and upper house was 
declared to be discrimination. A no-brainer, perhaps. But such a system had 
existed for all these years in a country supposedly under international 
tutelage. The one judge who dissented warned that messing with the postwar 
settlement could spark new conflict. But the Dayton Accords were hardly a 
recipe for long-term stability and peace. Cyprus and Lebanon have similar 
political systems that exclude some minorities, and neither country can be 
described as peaceful or stable. Now, Bosnia will have to prove that equality 

Then there is also the fact, in a post 9/11 world, the justifications of Mr. 
Karadzic and Mr. Mladic, who claimed in the 1990s that they were defending 
Europe’s Christian civilization, like their ancestors who fought the Turks 
centuries ago, have recently been embraced by anti-Islam culture warriors like 
Pamela Geller, who had led the opposition to a community center in Lower 
Manhattan that would contain a mosque.

As her former ally Charles Johnson  
 pointed out recently, Ms. Geller posted  
 an impassioned defense of Mr. Karadzic on her blog in July.

Ms. Geller seems not to be aware that Bosnia’s Muslims were, before the war, a 
largely nonreligious group and not at all the Islamist fanatics Serb and Croat 
ultra-nationalists pretended they were.

So completely has Ms. Geller accepted the fever dreams of Mr. Karadzic and Mr. 
Mladic that she began her post with a statement complaining that Sarajevo, the 
Bosnian capital that was previously home to large numbers of each of the 
country’s three biggest groups, is “now an entirely Muslim city, completely 
ethnically cleansed of non-Muslims.”

While it is true that the character of Sarajevo has changed from what it was 
before the war began in 1992, there are still Serbs and Croats — and Jews and 
Roma — who share the city with Muslims today. But more to the point, what Ms. 
Geller’s statement neatly overlooks is the main reason that Sarajevo is now 
home to more Bosnian Muslims than it was before the war: they are refugees who 
were driven out of towns and villages in the countryside by Serb and Croat 
extreme nationalists, men who were dedicated to making the vision of ethnic 
purity proposed by Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic a reality.



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