·        BON, PRISTINA – 

·        The Kosovo Assembly general secretary, Jakup Krasniqi said that 
political parties in Pristina at this moment are not prepared to start dialogue 
with Serbia.
"We believe that the parties in these circumstances are not ready for dialogue 
with Belgrade. If you already have early elections, then it would be proper to 
begin a dialogue only with the constitution of new institutions resulting from 
these elections. We do not exclude the possibility that already at this stage 
begin to prepare for these talks, and of course they should be monitored by the 
European Union, "said Krasniqi radio Deutsche Welle.
Kosovo at the moment there is no president, the police chief, governor of the 
bank, nor the adopted budget for next year, said Krasniqi. He added that Kosovo 
can talk about istitucionalnoj crisis, which will be resolved in a snap 
election to be held for 40 days.



·         <http://www.glas-javnosti.rs/dodaci/intervju-legija-progovorio> 

·         <http://www.glas-javnosti.rs/dodaci/decenija-borbe-za-istinu> 

Početna <http://www.glas-javnosti.rs/>  > Politika 
<http://www.glas-javnosti.rs/politika>  > Krasnići: Kosovo nije spremno za 
dijalog sa Beogradom

Krasnići: Kosovo nije spremno za dijalog sa Beogradom

BON, PRIŠTINA - Predsednik Skupštine Kosova Jakup Krasnići izjavio je da 
političke stranke u Prištini u ovom času nisu spremne za početak dijaloga sa 

"Mi smatramo da stranke pod ovim okolnostima nisu spremne da vode dijalog s 
Beogradom. Ako već imamo vanredne izbore, onda bi bilo pravilno da dijalog 
počne tek sa konstituisanjem novih institucija proisteklih iz tih izbora. Mi ne 
isključujemo mogućnost da već u ovoj fazi počnu pripreme za te razgovore, a 
njih naravno treba da nadgleda Evropska unija", izjavio je Krasnići radiju 
Dojče vele.

Kosovo u ovom trenutku nema ni predsednika, šefa policije, guvernera banke, 
niti je usvojen budžet za narednu godinu, rekao je Krasnići. On je dodao da se 
na Kosovu može govoriti o istitucionalnoj krizi, koja će se rešiti na vanrednim 
izborima koji će se održati za 40 dana.



According to the latest speach of the US Secretary of State Mrs.Hillary 
Clinton, one of the most urgent conditions for Serbia to join

the EU is to start negotiations with the Albanian counterpart in Kosovo. Serbia 
already expressed it readiness for those talks or negotiations,

but, as one can see, the Albanians are not neither ready nor willing to discuss 
with Serbia, and once again it is Serbia that will suffer certains delays,

and also many refusals and further conditions in accelerating the proccess of 
joining the European Union.

If it is true that according to Krasnici, Kosovo has no president, no governer 
of the bank, no police chief and other main structures, and if it is the EU

who should lead talks and negociations, then Kosovo does not exist as a state, 
and it presents the factor of instability in the whole of the region.

„Political parties“ are not the competent structures to feed the talks with 

If it was the Serbian government who refused talk for any reason, it would have 
been accused of „nationalism“ and of „intolerance“ .











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