Providence College Newspaper Censors Dr. Trifkovic

By Tim Dionisopoulos  <> 

Description: Image removed by sender. Providence College Newspaper Censors Dr. 
TrifkovicOn October 21, members of the Providence College chapter of  
 Youth for Western Civilization along with fifty of their peers attended a 
presentation by Dr. Srdja Trifkovic. As reported on the YWC site, the event was 
officially hosted by the College Republicans and was an eye opening talk that 
revealed the complex inner nature of Islam and its inherently antagonistic 
relationship with Western civilization.

Dr. Trifkovic veered away from the politically correct script that 
conservatives typically spout based upon egalitarian, assimilationist premises, 
and instead deconstructed the first principles of Islam to expose the danger it 
poses to Western civilization. Although a few leftists tried to derail Dr. 
Trifkovic’s focus by either theatrically crying during the middle of the 
presentation, or belittling his stellar credentials during the Q&A session, the 
majority of the crowd was in overwhelming support of his message.

Given the significant turnout for the event, I was under the naïve impression 
that Dr. Trifkovic’s presentation would receive some fairly significant 
coverage from the student run weekly newspaper, The Cowl, whose representative 
attended the speech to take notes and observe the lecture.  A few days later I 
ran into the writer who attended the presentation who informed me that The Cowl 
would not be running an article relating to the event, with some vague 
mumblings about it being too controversial. I later on emailed him asking for a 
more clear reason why the event would not be covered. Some excerpts from the 
email response I received from this writer stated that

did not feel comfortable with the message he was portraying... Also, I felt 
that his speach [sic] was not really geared towards politics and since the 
event was labeled as a College Republican Event it should have been. Instead it 
was more of a Youth for Western Civilization Event which is an organization not 
recognized by the school... [E]ditors from The Cowl don't not [sic] feel 
comfortable publishing material that is offensive and does not fall in line 
with the school's mission.

I waited for this week’s edition of The Cowl to be released last night, and, 
true to their word, there was not a single mention of Dr. Trifkovic’s visit to 
campus. Ironically, one of the main articles in The Cowl this week was a pieced 
on political apathy at Providence College.  I refuse to believe that students 
at Providence are politically apathetic. I think the greater likelihood is that 
the school only gives recognition and funding to boring, hackneyed 
supplications to the altar of political correctness that the majority of the 
student body could care less about.

It is obvious that the writers and editors of The Cowl are biased and are 
actively seeking to suppress the news they don't find palatable. The Cowl never 
asked for a transcript of Dr. Trifkovic’s presentation, and I am curious which 
part of his lecture they found particularly "offensive," or more importantly, 
if they thought anything he stated was untrue. Although I have attempted to 
contact the editor in chief through email asking for a formal explanation, I 
have yet to receive a response.

Of course, Dr. Trifkovic’s true sin during the presentation was in proclaiming 
one too many "hate facts" – facts that everyone knows to be true, but that 
cannot be said because they are too "insensitive." Long past are the days when 
college was about discovering the truth of the matter through reasoned 
discourse and debate. We have since entered into the post-truth era, where 
truths must be cleared through the gauntlet of "niceness," "tolerance," and 
"sensitivity" before we are even allowed to think them, much less read about 
them in the student newspaper.

Much like the argument that world must be made safe for democracy, the 
university must be made safe for tolerance. And if facts, reason, culture, and 
curriculum must be sacrificed, then so be it. The end is noble.  Despite 
efforts to shut down, ban, and censor us, Providence YWC is still find ways to 
exist and remain active. The fact that The Cowl ignored this event at 
Providence College reveals their fear that students are seeing beneath the 
multicultural cosmetic painted onto the face of modern academia – and what 
they're seeing sure isn't pretty.


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