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Playing Hardball

"During 14 years in the Michigan Legislature and 11 years in Congress, Rep.
Nick Smith had never experienced anything like it. House Speaker Dennis
Hastert and Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson, in the wee
hours last Saturday morning, pressed him to vote for the Medicare bill. But
Smith refused. Then things got personal.  Smith, self term-limited, is
leaving Congress. His lawyer son Brad is one of five Republicans seeking to
replace him from a GOP district in Michigan's southern tier.

"On the House floor, Nick Smith was told business interests would give his
son $100,000 in return for his father's vote. When he still declined, fellow
Republican House members told him they would make sure Brad Smith never came
to Congress. After Nick Smith voted no and the bill passed, Duke Cunningham
of California and other Republicans taunted him that his son was dead meat.

".Republicans voting against the bill were told they were endangering their
political futures. Major contributors warned Rep. Jim DeMint they would cut
off funding for his Senate race in South Carolina. A Missouri state
legislator called Rep. Todd Akin to threaten a primary challenge against
him.  Intense pressure, including a call from the president, was put on
freshman Rep. Tom Feeney. As speaker of the Florida House, he was a stalwart
for Bush in his state's 2000 vote recount. He is the Class of 2002's contact
with the House leadership, marking him as a future party leader. But now, in
those early morning hours, Feeney was told a 'no' vote would delay his
ascent into leadership by three years -- maybe more.

"Feeney held firm against the bill. So did DeMint and Akin. And so did Nick

- Columnist Bob Novak

Playing Let's Make a Deal

"As part of the horse-trading to win votes for the prescription-drug bill,
House Republican leaders promised to hold a vote on a bill requiring
hospitals that treat illegal aliens to report them to federal authorities.
The Medicare overhaul bill, which passed the House on Saturday and the
Senate on Tuesday, includes $1 billion to reimburse hospitals for treating
indigent illegal immigrants.

"But in exchange for supporting the bill, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California
Republican, extracted a promise from House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert of
Illinois to allow a vote on making hospitals report illegal aliens.  'I told
leadership that if they wanted my vote they would have to mitigate the
damage that is done by financing illegal immigrant health services. They
needed my vote, so they took the deal,' Mr. Rohrabacher said in a

- Washington Times, 11/27/03

Power Shift

"The passage of the Republican Party's Medicare/prescription drug bill - and
its support by the AARP - is by far the most convincing evidence to date
that the political center of gravity in Washington is shifting definitively
to the GOP for the first time since the pre-FDR era. . . . (A)s the
Republicans continue to peel away more and more pieces of the remaining
Democratic influence in Washington, more and more Democratic senators and
congressmen will feel compelled to work with, and vote with, the Republicans
on legislation. Crumbs are better than starvation. The remaining loyal
Democrats will sound ever more shrill and thus unfit to govern - pungent
adjectives being the last resort of a minority party.  So, the political
center of gravity in Washington will continue to shift toward the
Republicans. And the longer this process continues, the harder it will be
for the Democrats to regain power."

- Columnist Tony Blankley

Billionaire King of Hypocrites

"Beginning in the mid-1990s and continuing through the enactment of the
so-called Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, (George) Soros was one of
the leading proponents of the campaign finance reform. . . . Now, however,
Mr. Soros has apparently had a change of heart. Having succeeded in
restricting the fund raising and spending activities of political candidates
and political parties, Mr. Soros has found a way to skirt the very laws he
helped enact in order to advance his personal political agenda.

"He has committed up to $5 million to, an organization that airs
ads and organizes rallies denouncing the president's policies at home and
abroad. To date, Mr. Soros says he has spent upwards of $15.5 million to
oust (President) Bush, and he's prepared to spend even more.  Of course,
there's no outcry from the liberal establishment and media elites that
worked so hard to impose the reforms that Mr. Soros once supported."

- David Bossie, president of Citizens United

The Bad News Donkeys

"It seems like the bad news never stops.  Economic indicators are up.
Unemployment is falling. Seniors are about to get prescription-drug
coverage. And the United States is moving forward on a plan for Iraqi
self-government.  Can it get any worse?  As the turkey is being carved [on
Thanksgiving], there will be little joy for Democrats sitting around the
table. For the fact is, everything is breaking George W. Bush's way.
Increasingly his re-election looks inevitable."

- Columnist Thomas Keane Jr. of the Boston Herald

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Bring Back Gridlock

"On Jan. 23, 1996, Bill Clinton told the nation, 'The era of big government
is over.' If so, it sure didn't last very long. Today, the era of big
government is back with a vengeance, ushered in by a massive new
prescription drug entitlement, a pork-laden energy bill of grotesque
proportions and a trade war with China.  What few people, including myself,
ever thought would happen was that this new era of big government would be
implemented by Republicans controlling both Congress and the White House. It
makes me long for the good old days of gridlock."

- Columnist Bruce Bartlett

Break Out the Veto Pen

"While (President) Bush is an otherwise stalwart defender of American
interests abroad and a staunch supply-sider at home, he seems to believe
strongly in little else. He could not wait to sign virtually any Medicare
bill. 'My pen is ready,' Bush announced in August, fueling a Macy's
Thanksgiving Day Parade of legislative excesses. Meanwhile, in their first
three years, Ronald Reagan vetoed 22 bills, George Bush, Sr., 25 and Clinton
11. G.W. Bush has not used his veto pen. Not a single time.  Never."

- Columnist Deroy Murdock

The Woman Who Would Be Hillary

"The wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry says that
suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, should be given prisoner
of war status.  'They were captured while fighting a war,' Teresa Heinz
Kerry said Monday at an informal discussion with minority activists in
Seattle. "They should have the rights that other prisoners of war have had.'
Mrs. Heinz Kerry, heir to the Heinz family's food fortune, said denying the
detainees the protections of the Geneva Convention is 'insulting, ignorant
and insensitive' to the rest of the world.  She added that under President
Bush, the United States, once known as the standard-bearer for human rights,
is now considered a hypocrite."

- Greg Pierce's "Inside Politics," 11/26/03

Ambulance Chasers Dealt Setback in Senate

"Senators say they have reached a deal to get a bill reforming class-action
lawsuits that was blocked by Democrats last month through Congress.  Three
Democratic senators changed their stances after language was inserted they
say better protects consumers while still reining in many frivolous lawsuits
and preventing lawyers from "venue shopping" in search of sympathetic judges
and juries that award the biggest settlements.  Those supporters now include
Democratic Sens. Charles E. Schumer of New York, Christopher J. Dodd of
Connecticut and Mary L. Landrieu of Louisiana, all of whom opposed the bill
last month. The bill was defeated by a single vote in a filibuster lodged by
mainly Democrats."

- Washington Times, 11/27/03

Free Ride for Boxer?

"California Rep. Darrell Issa, who bankrolled the recall drive against Gov.
Gray Davis, will not seek the Republican nomination to challenge Sen.
Barbara Boxer, a Democrat. . . . Several days ago, Rep. David Dreier, who
gained visibility as one of (Gov. Arnold) Schwarzenegger's advisers during
the recall campaign, also opted out of the Senate race."

- Greg Pierce's "Inside Politics," 11/27/03

Yes, Virginia, There IS a Bob Hurt

"I think PROCREATION between blacks and either whites or Orientals should be
outlawed for the commonsense reasons I gave in a previous message.  Bottom
line:  allowing it fosters a dumbing-down of the gene pool and results in
degeneration of the civilization.   This is even more poignantly suggested
by the reality that statistically more stupid blacks and Hispanics
constitute 30% of the population, more than 50% of the prison and jail
population (and crime), 65% of the welfare burden, and more than 50% of the
illegitimate births.  Their rate of procreation is double that of
Caucasians, and Caucasians are not even producing at a sufficient rate to
perpetuate the race. Given the reality that blacks, on their own, have never
evolved beyond tribal government and have been historically incapable of
producing a superior civilization, do you think those statistics are
irrelevant to the future of our civilization?

"Next time you badmouth my position on mixed race marriages, please quote
the above paragraph, for that is the reason I have taken my position."

- News & Views reader Bob Hurt  (In response to several readers' inquiries,
yes, as hard as it is to believe, Bob Hurt appears to be a real person who
considers himself to be highly intelligent and has a couple other
Neanderthals who agree with him.)

Marrying Government

"Historically, there was no requirement to obtain a marriage license in
colonial America. . . . George Washington was married without a marriage
license. Abraham Lincoln was married without a marriage license. So, how did
we come to this place in America where marriage licenses are issued?

"Historically, all the states in America had laws outlawing the marriage of
blacks and whites. In the mid-1800's, certain states began allowing
interracial marriages or miscegenation as long as those marrying received a
license from the state

"...Give the State an inch and they will take a 100 miles.  Not long after
these licenses were issued, some states began requiring all people who marry
to obtain a marriage license. In 1923, the Federal Government established
the Uniform Marriage and Marriage License Act (they later established the
Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act). By 1929, every state in the Union had
adopted marriage license laws.

"Christian couples should not be marrying with State marriage licenses, nor
should ministers be marrying people with State marriage licenses. . . .
Given the fact that states may soon legalize same-sex marriages, we need to
ask ourselves, 'If a man and a man marry with a State marriage license, and
a man and woman marry without a State marriage license - who's really
married? Is it the two men with a marriage license, or the man and woman
without a marriage license?'"

- Pastor Matt Trewhella, Mercy Seat Christian Church

When In Rome

"The fall of Rome occurred because of government corruption and sexual
deviation?  All my history books say it had something to do with external
invasion.  Incidentally, the Roman Empire fell centuries after it had
converted to Christianity and the traditional sexual mores of the
Mediterranean had been abandoned in favour of . . .  well, the ones that Ken
and Judy Bower are advocating."

- News & Views reader Quentin Langley

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Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
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Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
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Chuck Muth
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