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by Chuck Muth
April 19, 2004

When, oh when, will the Republican Party and the White House start listening to its 
limited-government, constitutional conservatives?  It seems every time they make a 
“strategic” move for political rather than philosophical reasons it comes back to bite 
‘em in the wahzoo.  Yet they never seem to learn.  Some recent examples include...

Shoving that new prescription drug benefit down our throats - the largest expansion of 
government since the reign of LBJ - in hopes of sucking up to senior citizens for next 
November’s elections.  Not only is the plan going to cost a king’s ransom more than 
projected (just as limited-government conservatives predicted), but it’s had no effect 
whatsoever in moving significant chunks of seniors into the GOP column.  

How about that illegal alien amnesty program the president proposed in January hoping 
for a political payoff from Hispanics in November?  Major backfire.  Instead, he’s 
lost considerable support from segments of his base which cleave to the radical notion 
that if you reward illegal behavior you get...well, even more illegal behavior.  Go 

Then there’s the president’s endorsement for that anti-state’s rights constitutional 
amendment to ban same-sex marriages in order to shore up his political support among 
social conservatives.  Except that an exhaustive recent poll of evangelicals shows a 
majority of them OPPOSE the federal marriage amendment and believe the issue should be 
resolved at the state level.

But for my money, the most egregious sell-out of principle by this administration and 
its cohorts in Congress was the cave-in to Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, over 
campaign finance reform.  And since there IS justice in this world, that act of 
political cowardice is coming back to haunt them - in the immortal words of Vice 
President Dick Cheney - “big time.”

After steadfastly opposing McCain/Feingold for years, a handful of Republicans gave 
up, packed it in and allowed a vote on this anti-American piece of legislation.  It 
passed.  And why not?  The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) included riders which 
(a) stopped opponents from saying bad things about incumbent congressmen in the days 
leading up to re-election, and (b) made it even harder for challengers to raise money 
while making it easier for incumbents.  

Now, no one can be too surprised at Congress voting for an unconstitutional law which 
benefits them so handsomely (they do it all the time), but how does one excuse the 
President of the United States for signing that bill?  You can’t.  The White House 
thought they’d buy off McCain politically while dumping the whole mess in the Supreme 
Court’s lap, believing the court would do their dirty work and find the law 

Only the court, to its own shame and disgrace, shredded what’s left of the First 
Amendment and declared McCain/Feingold a perfectly acceptable infringement on speech.

So it’s with a perverse form of pleasure to watch the Republican National Committee 
(RNC) and the Bush/Cheney team howling like scalded dogs these days about liberal 
money from the likes of George Soros and those yo-yos over at MoveOn.org being 
diverted to anti-Bush campaign efforts.  Frankly, they’re getting what they deserve.

Nevertheless, the GOP is petitioning the FEC to intercede and stop these liberal 
groups and individuals from using “soft” (generally, corporate and union) money to 
fund their anti-Bush activities.  And when that effort likely fails, they intend to 
appeal to yet another court of law in yet another attempt to restrict yet another form 
of political speech.  

For the nation’s sake, let’s hope the FEC and the courts tell the Republicans and the 
White House to pound dirt.  You reap what you sow.  Live with it.  We need MORE 
political speech in this country, not less.

Plus…forward-looking constitutional conservatives are going to need the same 
flexibility and freedom to mount similar independent campaign expenditures in 2008 
against the greatest  gathering threat to limited-government since FDR: Madame 
Hillary.  God help us and pass the soft-money collection plate.

# # # 

Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a non-profit public policy advocacy 
organization in Washington, D.C.  The views expressed are his own and do not 
necessarily reflect the views of Citizen Outreach.  He may be reached at [EMAIL 

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