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April 30, 2004

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“The ‘Nightline’ roll call tribute to U.S. troops killed in Iraq will not be seen 
tonight in several cities because station owner Sinclair Broadcast Group called the 
broadcast ‘motivated by a political agenda designed to undermine the efforts of the 
United States in Iraq.’

"…’While (Sinclair) honors the memory of the brave members of the military who have 
sacrificed their lives in the service of our country, we do not believe such political 
statements should be disguised as news content,’ the Maryland company said in a 
statement. It owns or operates 62 stations reaching nearly one-fourth of all U.S. TV 

- Indianapolis Star, 4/30/04


“Violent military action by an occupying power against inhabitants of an occupied 
country will only make matters worse,” said UN chief Kofi Annan this week about the 
battle of Fallujah.  “It’s definitely time, time now, for those who prefer restraint 
and dialogue to make their voices heard.”  Of course, had we listened to the likes of 
Kofi Annan and John Kerry, Saddam Hussein would still be in power and filling up those 
mass graves.  Don’t call us, Kofi; we’ll call you...when the latrines need cleaning.

I’m sorry.  Was that disrespectful to a world leader?


“Newly released Justice Department memos show that September 11 panel commissioner 
Jamie S. Gorelick was more intimately involved than previously thought with hampering 
communications between U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement agencies fighting 
terrorism,” reported the Washington Times on Thursday.

Please, please, PLEASE, Jamie...stay on this kangaroo court and DON’T testify.  You 
are without a doubt the single best “useful idiot” our side could possibly have right 
now.  As long as you remain on the commission and refuse to testify, the inevitable 
anti-Bush final report will be completely, totally discredited and useless.  


“On Sept. 21, (2001) as the remains of thousands of Americans lay smoldering at Ground 
Zero, (Secretary of Transportation Norman) Mineta fired off a letter to all U.S. 
airlines forbidding them from implementing the one security measure that would have 
prevented 9-11: subjecting Middle Eastern passengers to an added degree of pre-flight 
scrutiny. He sternly reminded the airlines that it was illegal to discriminate against 
passengers based on their race, color, national or ethnic origin, or religion.

“Mineta would have sent the letter even sooner, but he wanted to give the airlines 
enough time to count the number of their employees and customers who had just been 
murdered by Arab passengers.”

- Columnist Ann Coulter


"With the air gushing out of John Kerry's balloon, it may be only a matter of time 
until political insiders in Washington face the dread reality that the junior senator 
from Massachusetts doesn't have what it takes to win and has got to go.... The pros 
all know that the candidate who starts each morning by having to explain himself is a 
goner. What to do? Look for the Dem biggies, whoever they are these days, to sit down 
with the rich and arrogant presumptive nominee and try to persuade him to take a hike. 
Then they can return to business as usual -- resurrecting John Edwards, who is still 
hanging around, or staging an open convention in Boston, or both"

- Columnist James Ridgeway of the super-liberal Village Voice


“(CNN’s Lou Dobbs is) on a jihad.  It's as if whatever made Linda Blair's head spin 
around in 'The Exorcist' has invaded the body of Lou Dobbs and left him with the brain 
of Dennis Kucinich."

- John Castellani to reporters after a speech before the Detroit Economic Club on 
Dobbs’ ongoing rants about “outsourcing”


“Federalism, for all practical purposes, has become to a generation of leaders some 
vague philosophy of the past that is dead, dead, dead.  The reformers of the early 
1900s killed it dead and cremated the body when they allowed for the direct election 
of U.S. senators.  Direct election of senators, as good as that sounds, allowed 
Washington's special interests to call the shots, whether it's filling judicial 
vacancies or issuing regulations. The state governments aided in their own collective 
suicide by going along with the popular fad of the time.  Having jumped off the Golden 
Gate Bridge of political reality, before I hit the water and go 'splat,’ I have 
introduced a bill that would repeal the 17th Amendment."

- Sen. Zell Miller, Georgia Democrat


“Senator Zell Miller...says that the 17th Amendment should be repealed. . . . Just 
what does the 17th Amendment do?  It provides for the popular election of U.S. 
Senators.  Under our original Constitution Senators were appointed by state 
legislators.  The idea was for the House of Representatives to represent the interests 
of the people in Washington, while the Senate would represent the interests of State 
governments.  Since the 17th Amendment was ratified State governments have been 
without any official representation in Washington.  You can see what this has brought 
us ... complete federal domination ... the Imperial Federal Government of the United 

- Talk show host Neal Boortz, 4/29/04


“You wouldn't think Ronald Reagan would still be so controversial a figure in America. 
But a proposed Ronald Reagan University, to be built with private money on private 
land, has drawn the ire of Democrats in the Colorado State House.  This week, a 
resolution praising the creation of the university cleared the House Education 
Committee by only a six-to-five vote, with every Democrat playing spoilsport and 
opposing it.”

- John Fund, Political Diary, 4/28/04


“Perhaps no one is more consistently demonized for doing more good today in America 
than the drug companies. . . . People who think drugs are expensive should consider 
the cost of not having drugs. . . . Bashing the drugmakers may win votes.  But the 
price of such demagoguery will be high if fewer people are treated as a result.”

- Doug Bandow of the Cato Institute


“The overwhelming fallacy of the argument coming from the ‘cheap drugs are more 
important than safe drugs’ crowd is centered on the false assertion that drugs coming 
back to the U.S. through internet websites were produced here, sold abroad, and then 
u-turned back into American medicine cabinets.  This is patently false, as many of 
these drugs are counterfeited under unsterile and dangerous conditions in third world 
nations, many with terrorist ties.

“Some ‘drugs’ have active ingredients, some don’t, and consumers can’t tell the 
difference.  Nearly two-thirds of drug websites purporting to be in Canada are not, 
and a recent trip to real Canadian facilities by the Minnesota Pharmacy Association 
revealed that even the pharmacies that actually are in Canada are rife with safety 

- Kerri Houston, Vice-President of Policy, Frontiers of Freedom, 4/19/04


Well, it seems the “Photo-Fuzz” busted my wife’s car.  

One of those Big Brother traffic cameras in Washington, DC, snapped a picture of my 
wife’s car allegedly speeding.  Problem is...she definitely wasn’t driving the vehicle 
on the alleged infraction date.  In which case, the citation notice says she’ll be let 
her off the hook...provided she “snitches” on whoever WAS behind the wheel on the date 
and time in question.  She’s required to either pay the fine for an infraction she 
didn’t commit...or provide a notarized statement ratting out the name and address of 
the actual driver.  

But let’s say, hypothetically speaking of course, that the driver was, say, her 
husband.  By law, is she compelled to rat him out and testify against him?  Hmmm.

Anyway, I’ve been on record as being against these municipal money-makers from day one 
and would love to fight this battle in court.  Does anyone know of any civil rights 
attorneys working on this issue who might be interested in a defendant willing to make 
a federal case, literally, out of these damn traffic cameras?  If so, shoot me an 

Folks, this is one of those issues which you might not be paying any attention to 
right now because it doesn’t affect you...yet.  But as local governments continue to 
spend like drunken sailors while the taxpayers continue to adamantly oppose tax hikes, 
more and more of YOUR towns and communities are going to be sucked into these traffic 

Not because they make your roads safer, but because they generate a boatload of cash 
for the government without incurring the wrath of anti-tax voters.  These DC cameras 
are raising MILLIONS for this mismanaged city.  In fact, the Washington Times today 
reports that just ONE camera on New York Avenue in the District “issued” 13,200 
citations last month alone...worth a minimum of $396,000 worth of fines.  And you 
think your local politicians will be able to resist THAT kind of pot of gold?

So beware: The Photo-Fuzz is comin’ for you soon.


NEW special report which we only wish had been available BEFORE Pat Toomey’s campaign 
tanked against Arlen Specter this week.  “Playing Hardball: Lessons You Can Learn from 
Lee Atwater” includes:  

Analysis vs. Paralysis, who should be in charge of the campaign, a highly effective, 
yet subtle way to loosen up donor purse strings, controversial advice on targeting 
minority voters, a low-cost and extremely effective campaign tactic your high-priced 
consultants probably will pooh-pooh, when and when not to use newspaper ads, a 
pin-point time-line for when to unleash your voter contact efforts, an often 
overlooked block of critical voters and how and when you should reach them, what you 
should do about the opponent's voters, the one thing a campaign should give away...and 
the tons of things it shouldn't, a simple little secret to help get your campaign 
press releases noticed and covered, the best day of the week to put out your campaign 
press release, a warning about press conferences, the importance of "getting there 
first" on issues, the two most important ground-game strategies, husbanding the 
candidate's most precious resource and the best thing a campaign volunteer can 
possibly be given to do.

Don’t make the same mistakes the Toomey campaign made.  Take some advice from the 
late-great legendary Republican guru, Lee Atwater.  Only $4.95.  Go to 
http://chuckmuth.com/specialreports.htm to order your copy TODAY.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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