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“Freedom is a lonely battle, but if the United States doesn’t lead it - sometimes 
imperfectly, but mostly with honor - who will?”

- Columnist Cal Thomas


“Terrorists are attempting to acquire weapons of mass destruction. If they get them 
they will try to use them. Their brutal slaying of a single American with a knife is a 
demonstration of what they are eager and planning to do to millions of innocent 
Americans with such weapons.”

- Washington Times editorial, 5/14/04


“The Marines fought hard in Fallujah and took a lot of very evil people out of the 
fight.  That effort, and the associated loss of Marine lives, was not in vain. . . . 
(However), we're reading that everyone back home is starting to lose faith in our 
efforts in Iraq. The last CBS poll put the numbers under 50 percent for the first 
time. I know that doesn't mean a loss in support for the troops, but supporting 'the 
troops' while not supporting the mission doesn't do much for us.”

- Unnamed Marine Corps officer, “Inside the Ring,” 5/14/04


“Those who are wringing their hands and shouting so loudly for 'heads to roll' over 
[the Iraq prison abuse] seem to have conveniently overlooked the fact that someone's 
head has rolled — that of another innocent American brutally murdered by terrorists.  
Why is it that there's more indignation over a photo of a prisoner with underwear on 
his head than over the video of a young American with no head at all?"

- Sen. Zell Miller, Georgia Democrat


“Victory in Iraq will come neither quickly nor easily.  But unlike World War II or the 
Civil War, this is a war we cannot lose on the battlefield. This is a war we can only 
lose at the ballot box.”

- Columnist Jack Kelly


“The American Civil War was not about conditions in Andersonville prison and the war 
in Iraq is not about conditions in Abu Ghraib prison. . . . When our troops are 
putting their lives on the line for this country, thousands of miles away, surely it 
is not too much to ask of the rest of us back home to act like adults and put things 
in perspective — even during an election year. That includes the media. Sometimes the 
fourth estate seems more like a fifth column.”

- Columnist Thomas Sowell


“They’re not there for traffic violations.  If they’re in cell block 1-A or 1-B, these 
prisoners, they’re murderers, they’re terrorists, they’re insurgents.  Many of them 
probably have American blood on their hands.”

- Sen. James Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican


“The dismembered and charred corpses of American contractors dangling over the 
Euphrates River, in comparison to the abuse committed by a few soldiers at Abu Ghraib, 
are like the crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer compared to Heidi Fleiss.”

- Rep. Steve King, Iowa Republican


“Prison guard Spc. Jeremy C. Sivits, who took photographs of abuse at the Abu Ghraib 
detention center in Iraq...said the mistreatment was not authorized by higher-ups in 
the chain of command.  ‘Our command would have slammed us,’ he said.  ‘They believe in 
doing the right thing.  If they saw what was going on there would have been hell to 

- Washington Times, 5/15/04


“Whether (Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld) chose to leave on his own volition or was 
fired, the world would see it as President Bush firing him. . . . It probably would 
cost him the presidency.”

- Columnist Tony Blankley


On Thursday, “presumptive” Democrat presidential nominee John Kerry boasted that “when 
Bill Clinton left office not one young American in uniform was dying in a war anywhere 
in this world.”  

Yeah, most were dead already.  As House Majority Leader Tom DeLay notes, “under the 
policies in the 1990s, we suffered six dead at the World Trade Center bombing, 19 dead 
of the Khobar Towers, 224 dead in the Africa embassy bombings, 17 sailors dead on the 
USS Cole, and within months, 3,000 dead on 9/11."  

Like that poor guy at the end of the circus, President Bush, shovel in hand, has been 
forced to clean up the mess left behind by his predecessor.  What we DON’T need is 
another Clinton Democrat in office to undo all the house-cleaning that’s been done 
since 2001.


One of our biggest objections to how the war on terrorists has been handled has 
nothing to do with how the administration has proceeded to drain the swamp, but in how 
it has failed to reign in unnecessary and/or unconstitutional domestic government 
spending to offset the cost of the war.  The White House seems to believe we can have 
guns AND butter...and financially, as the economy recovers, maybe we can.  But we 
shouldn’t.  There is a lot of government pork which should be excised from the budget 
menu regardless of whether or not we can “afford” it.

And there’s no better place to start than the useless U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. 
 This panel has been out of control for years under the “leadership” of big-time 
Democrat chairwoman Mary Frances Berry.  Its history of hostility to everything 
Republican and conservative is too long to list here.  And its dysfunctional financial 
operation has now resulted in a request to “buy out” a number of staffers in order to 
avoid layoffs due to “dire financial circumstances.” The organization’s $9 million 
annual budget hasn’t been audited in 9 years, and Lord only knows how these wingnuts 
have misspent the taxpayers’ money.

The first rule for getting yourself out of a hole is to stop digging.  So rather than 
trying to figure out how they misspent the money while they continue to misspend the 
money, just pull the plug on this turkey.  How many bullet-proof vests could we buy 
for the troops in Iraq with $9 million? And that’s exactly how the administration 
should put it.  Ditto the money going into the National Endowment for the Arts.  The 
list is endless.

It’s crazy to continue operating as though we can have our cake and eat it, too.  And 
even if we could, we shouldn’t.  Time to break out the budget ax.  What other federal 
programs and/or expenditures do you think Uncle Sam should zero out or dramatically 
reduce in order to help pay for the war and Iraqi reconstruction?  Add your 
suggestions to the list by visiting our Discussion Board at:  


Rep. Joe Wilson, South Carolina Republican, is fed up with the slow pace of arming 
pilots to protect the cockpits in today’s unfriendly skies.  One of the monkey 
wrenches gumming up the works is Thomas Quinn, director of the Federal Air Marshal 
Service.  Mr. Quinn, in what Rep. Wilson called a “ridiculous” internal memo, voiced 
objections to allowing guns in cockpits because “the pilot receives no training in 
interview techniques.”  

Interview techniques?  “We’re not proposing they interview the terrorists as they 
storm the cockpit,” says Wilson.  “Let’s get serious.”


“…(T)he 17th Amendment...is the provision that provides for popular election of 
senators.  Few people today know that the Founding Fathers never intended for senators 
to be popularly elected.  The Constitution originally provided that senators would be 
chosen by state legislatures. . . . The 17th Amendment was ratified in 1913.  It is no 
coincidence that the sharp rise in the size and power of the federal government starts 
in this year.”

- Columnist Bruce Bartlett


The Federal Elections Commission (FEC) ruled last Thursday that we were already too 
far into the 2004 campaign season to make any major changes to the campaign cash 
status quo.  As such, it postponed a decision on whether or not various Democrat “527” 
organizations, such as MoveOn.org, were violating the McCain/Feingold law by using 
“soft” money (corporate and union donations) for ads and such in federal races for 
president and Congress.  

“Bush-Cheney campaign Chairman Marc Racicot and Republican Chairman Ed Gillespie 
called the FEC decision irresponsible,” reported the Washington Times on Friday, “and 
says it destroys the campaign-finance regulations passed in 2002.”  We can only hope 

We need MORE political debate in this country, not less.  McCain/Feingold should never 
have been passed by a Republican Congress or signed by a Republican White House in the 
first place.  Now maybe the GOP will cut loose their own “527s” and begin competing in 
the arena rather than whining and complaining about how “unfair” it is for George 
Soros to give $15 million to defeat George Bush.

But don’t hold your breath waiting.


Should the Senate block the confirmation of Dawn Tisdale, a former postal union 
official from a spot on the board which regulates the postal service?

*  Yes
*  No
*  I’m a Kerry Democrat...Yes AND No

Cast your vote by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at www.citizenoutreach.com

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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