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Amazingly enough, there are still some subscribers who don’t understand the smoking 
ban issue.  Our position isn’t that tobacco is good for you.  Our position is that 
adults in a free country should be allowed to make adult choices for themselves, 
providing those rights don’t infringe on the rights of others...especially when it 
comes to the use of LEGAL products.  For those who still don’t “get it,” Mark Brnovich 
of the Goldwater Institute will help set you straight on why smoking bans in bars and 
restaurants are just plain...un-American.  Check out his explanation and more on the 
war on tobacco in today’s News & Views “Smoke Screen” EXTRA at:  

Oh, and by the way...Happy Birthday to my baby brother Mark out in Las Vegas!


“The amazing thing to me is that there actually are those Americans who are asking 
rather impatiently when the war on terror will end.  Well, I have news for them: It 
ain’t never gonna end. Not in my lifetime or the lifetimes of those who come after me. 
And anyone who thinks differently is an idiot. . . . There may be lulls but that is 
all. Capturing or killing the likes of Osama bin Ladin won’t change much. There are 
many fledgling Osamas ready and eager to take his place.  Eternal vigilance may limit 
the damage terrorists can inflict. But it will never entirely contain them.”

- Lyn Nofziger, “Musings,” 5/20/04


“A U.S. withdrawal from the Middle East will CAUSE chaos, of course. Then again, a 
U.S. intervention in the Middle East has caused chaos already. And, during those 
periods of history when the U.S. was neither intervening in nor withdrawing from the 
Middle East, there was . . . chaos. The situation is akin to the famous complaint 
women have against men: failure to acknowledge that not every problem can be fixed. 
Sometimes the best thing is just a little sympathy. America had everyone's sympathy 
after the World Trade towers were attacked. We can get that sympathy back if we limit 
our foreign policy objectives to whining.”

- Humorist P.J. O’Rourke


“We know John Kerry is a decorated Vietnam war hero, chiefly because he has the 
annoying habit of reminding us of it every chance he gets. We know he came home and 
spoke out against the war and maybe or maybe not threw his medals or ribbons or 
whatever over the White House fence. We know some of his compatriots thought he was a 
good guy and some thought he was a phony, and, and, and - all of it ancient history.  
But after that - what? In his nearly two decades as a United States Senator, John 
Kerry has not stood out as a leader on any key issue.”

- Columnist Cheri Jacobus


“According to the latest series of Zogby tracking polls in the battleground states, 
Zogby now claims that John Kerry would score a 320-218 electoral vote victory over 
President Bush if the election were held today. The polls were all conducted within 
the past week for the Wall Street Journal. . . . If the President's approval ratings 
continue to hover in the low 40s this fall -- as nearly all polls currently show -- 
even down-ballot Republicans around the nation could start feeling the painful 

- Ron Gunzburger, Politics1, 5/25/04


“Did you hear about the college commencement speaker who was almost booed off the 
stage Sunday because his commencement address was an anti-Bush rant? The speaker was 
E.L. Doctorow. The college, God bless it forever, was Hofstra University on New York's 
Long Island.

“...I am a conservative. I have spoken at three college commencements.  Each time I 
spoke I talked about the students, and the life ahead of them, and the nature of their 
achievement. I spoke to them about them. I didn't tell them Jimmy Carter is a retard 
or Bill Clinton is a pig. It would have been wrong to do that. It would have been 
boorish. It would have deserved boos.  I'm glad that's what Eddy Doctorow got this 
Sunday from what appear to be his intellectual and moral superiors on Long Island. Go 

- Columnist Peggy Noonan


“Bill Cosby has provided a lot of laughs for millions of Americans over the years but 
black ‘leaders’ were not laughing after he lashed out at those black parents who buy 
their children expensive sneakers instead of something educational. He also denounced 
both those children and those adults in the black community who refuse to speak the 
king's English.  ‘Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these 
knuckleheads,’ Cosby said. ‘You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of 
your mouth.’ He also mocked those who referred to ‘the incarcerated’ as ‘political 
prisoners.’ "

- Columnist Thomas Sowell


*  “These are not political criminals. These are people going around stealing 
Coca-Cola. People getting shot over a piece of pound cake and then we run out and we 
are outraged, [saying] 'The cops shouldn't have shot him.' What the hell was he doing 
with the pound cake in his hand?"

*  "I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an 
orange suit. Where were you when he was 2? Where were you when he was 12? Where were 
you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol? And where is the 

*  ". . . we cannot blame white people . . . ."

*  "People putting their clothes on backward: Isn't that a sign of something gone 
wrong? . . . People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't 
that a sign of something, or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up? Isn't it 
a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up to the crack and got all 
type of needles (piercing) going through her body? What part of Africa did this come 
from? We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a d--- thing 
about Africa."

*  "With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of 
them are in jail. Brown versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's 
problem. We have got to take the neighborhood back. . . . They are standing on the 
corner and they can't speak English."

- Bill Cosby last week at ceremonies in Washington marking the 50th anniversary of the 
Brown v. Board of Education decision


“More than 400 families demonstrated on the New Jersey statehouse steps in protest of 
a bill that would set first-ever standards for home schooling,” reports UPI.  “Carolee 
Adams, a home-schooling mother from Montvale, N.J., told the Newark Star-Ledger 
Tuesday the proposed legislation...would lead to the harassment of home-schoolers.”  
Yep, it sure would.  

Assemblyman Loretta Weinberg, the Bergan County Democrat sponsoring the bill, said, "I 
have some questions about making sure bare, minimum standards exist.”  Any bets on 
whether or not Ms. Weinberg is endorsed...OK, owned lock, stock and barrel...by the 
teachers union?  I’d say, bet the farm on it.  Vegas wouldn’t even take odds on THAT 

Here’s MY question:  What is Assemblywoman Weinberg doing to make sure the “bare, 
minimum standards exist” in the lousy, stinkin’ public schools?  Get off the 
home-schoolers backs until you have your own glass house in order, Ms. Weinberg.  Man, 
these Jack-and-Jill water-carrying union puppets REALLY tick me off.


“The Governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius, has now signed into law a measure that 
allows some illegal aliens to attend Kansas colleges and universities while paying 
instate tuition.  Eight other states have this law.  So, as things stand now a natural 
born citizen of this country who has violated no laws, and who happens to live out of 
state, will have to pay more to become a Kansas Jayhawk than would a person who 
resides in Kansas illegally.   Law abiding citizens of Kansas will now be paying to 
foot the bill for non-citizens who are here illegally to attend college.  Only in 

- Talk show host Neal Boortz, 5/25/04


“One of President Bush's most recent ‘compassionate’ initiatives has indirectly led to 
more horrific deaths along the Arizona-Mexico border. Bush's proposal for a 
quasi-amnesty for illegal aliens has been interpreted by poor Mexicans as a welcome 
mat, increasing the rate of attempted border crossings and the tragic deaths that go 
with them. Sixty-one people have died along the Arizona border since last October, a 
threefold increase from the rate of the previous year.

“The bodies are a testament to America's broken immigration system. If we really want 
to encourage more Mexicans to come here, we should have the decency to help ensure 
their safe passage. If we don't -- as most politicians, including Bush, would maintain 
-- then all talk of any sort of amnesty should be dropped, and our seriousness about 
enforcing immigration laws should be broadcast so clearly that it is understood even 
in the far reaches of Mexico.”

- Columnist Rich Lowry


Washington insiders say that while the issue of illegal immigration stirs up a lot of 
fuss, it’s NOT an issue which swings votes one way or the other in an election 
campaign.  Are they correct?  Is a candidate’s position on illegal immigration an 
issue which, in and of itself, could swing your vote one way or the other in a given 

*  Yes
*  No
*  Maybe

Cast your vote by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at www.citizenoutreach.com


A rather animated e-debate has been taking place on our Discussion Board over the 
North Carolina GOP Chairman’s decision to ban the Log Cabin Republicans from having a 
booth at last weekend’s state convention.  There are some very good, rational posts 
over the brouhaha...and then there are those which support the decision from 
“Taborites.”  Yes, NC congressional candidate/clown Nathan Tabor and a number or his 
supporters have weighed in on the issue, apparently thinking using fake names would 
fool us into not knowing who was behind the more ridiculous and juvenile “anti-fag” 
posts. Bozos.

Anyway, there were some folks who maintained it was perfectly OK for gays to be 
Republicans and attend the convention...just not to have a booth there which would 
advertise the fact that they were...gay.  Which would be fine provided other special 
interest Republican organizations were also banned...such as Republican women, college 
Republicans, Hispanic Republicans, etc.

And some of the more enlightened writers picked up on this and even went so far as to 
suggest something I’ve been saying for years: Let’s get rid of ALL Republican 
organizations based on anything other than a political ideology or issue.  We could 
have social Republicans, libertarian Republicans, economic Republicans, tax cutting 
Republicans, pro-life Republicans, pro-choice Republicans, pro-defense Republicans, 
Republicans In Name Only, etc.  But separating people by race, gender, age, national 
origin, sexual persuasion...that’s what the LEFT does.  We should be better than that.

Anyway, the role of gays within the conservative movement in general, and the 
Republican Party in particular, is a divisive and controversial matter.  If you 
haven’t done so already, surf over to the Discussion Board, read through the exchanges 
(including the mindless homophobic ones from the “Taborites”) and add your own 
comments if you’d like.  Just go to:  http://blog.chuckmuth.com/blog/

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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