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As religious leaders see (1) dwindling support by grassroots Christians for a federal 
gay marriage ban, and (2) the writing on the wall about the possibility of passing 
such a constitutional amendment in Congress, tactics are changing.  Many leaders are 
now looking to use the issue strictly as a political weapon...while one is going so 
far as to support the notion of moving to a state which would then secede from the 
union!  All this and more in today’s edition of “Lawfully Wedded” on the News & Views 
EXTRA page at:  http://www.chuckmuth.com/newsandviews/nv.cfm


“A federal appeals court yesterday upheld Oregon's assisted-suicide law, saying U.S. 
Attorney General John Ashcroft's bid to outlaw it ‘far exceeds the scope of his 
authority under federal law.’  The 2-to-1 ruling by a three-judge panel of the San 
Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said physicians in Oregon can 
continue to prescribe lethal doses of medication to mentally competent, terminally ill 
patients without facing sanctions or federal criminal prosecutions.

“...The panel said that the attorney general cannot exercise control over an area of 
law traditionally reserved for state authority and that there is no evidence Congress 
wanted the attorney general to regulate the practice of assisted suicide. . . . George 
Eighmey, executive director of Compassion in Dying of Oregon, a plaintiff in the case, 
said, ‘The message this decision sends to John Ashcroft is this: Keep your hands off 
of Oregon and all Oregonians.’ "

- Washington Times, 5/27/04


“(Al) Gore turned up at New York University yesterday with a raging speech against the 
Bush administration's foreign policy. . . . Democratic consultants cringed when Mr. 
Gore said the Bush foreign policy was ‘based on domination of the rest of the world’ 
and failed even to mention the name of Nick Berg, the American who was beheaded by 
terrorists as a direct challenge to the country's stomach for the Iraq fight. In fact, 
Mr. Gore continues to come across as a poor sport who hasn't gotten over his 2000 
defeat and is bent on petty revenge. Many Democrats wish they could find a way to keep 
Mr. Gore in a closet somewhere until November.”

- John Fund, Political Diary, 5/27/04


“Algore proclaims George Bush as the most dishonest president since Richard Nixon. How 
quickly we forget Bill Clinton.”

- Lyn Nofziger, “Musings,” 5/27/04


“Boy, is it getting ugly out there as very top Democrats broadcast their visceral and 
intense personal hatred for President Bush.  Al Gore yesterday ranted at Bush as ‘the 
most dishonest president since Richard Nixon.’ House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi 
has called him ‘incompetent.’ Democratic chief Terry McAuliffe claimed he was ‘AWOL’ 
from the National Guard. . . . Bush-hating billionaire George Soros, funding anti-Bush 
ads, compared the president to Hitler. But mostly, other Democrats, like...John Kerry, 
seem to be cheering them on, not rebuking them. . . . But they might want to ponder 
whether the personal tone of attacks on Bush helps explain why Kerry is stalled and 
tied in polls despite six weeks of nonstop bad news for Bush."

- Deborah Orin, New York Post, 5/27/04


Diplomat Hans Blix - the United Nation’s version of the hapless Inspector Clouseau, 
who did his damnedest to keep the U.S. out of Iraq and Saddam in power - issued his 
endorsement this week in the presidential contest.  “I place my trust in the 
multilaterism of Democratic candidate John Kerry,” the Swedish meatball said, adding 
that he thought the whole world should be able to vote on November 2 in the U.S. 
election.  Responded the Wall Street Journal, “Mr. Kerry remarked in March that 
foreign leaders were privately supporting his candidacy.  Mr. Blix has now revealed 
the kind of foreigners he was referring to.”


“It would be a mistake...to think John Kerry has no principles or agenda. He just does 
not have any that he would dare reveal in an election year. . . . It is hard to 
believe there is much room on the political spectrum to the left of Ted Kennedy. But 
Mr. Kerry has found it. Now he has to hide it before the voters find out. . . . John 
Kerry should get the Academy Award if he succeeds in this year's challenging acting 
performance - but not the presidency.”

- Columnist Thomas Sowell


“Abu Ghraib is the new Tet offensive. By lying about the Tet offensive during the 
Vietnam War, the media managed to persuade Americans we were losing the war, which 
demoralized the nation and caused us to lose the war. And people say reporters are 

- Columnist Ann Coulter


“It seems that many journalists are so invested in the story line that ‘BUSH LIED!!!! 
about WMDs’ that they wouldn't acknowledge otherwise if they themselves were gassed.”

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 5/26/04


“The Washington Post reports that nearly two-thirds of America's 1.6 million civilian 
full-time federal employees received merit bonuses or special time-off awards in 2002. 
Think about that. Statistically it implies that the vast majority of federal workers 
are operating at above-average levels.”

- Wall Street Journal, 5/27/04


“MTV has refused to screen ads for Super Size Me, Morgan Spurlock's film about fast 
food and overeating, because they are ‘disparaging to fast food restaurants.’  
Roadside Attractions and Samuel Goldwyn Film said MTV sister network VH1 was planning 
to use clips from the movie in a program called Best Week Ever, but the clips were 
pulled before the show aired.”

- Sydney Morning Herald, 5/26/04


“Despite protests from a state legislator, the Wisconsin Housing & Economic 
Development Authority agreed Friday to continue its pilot program providing affordable 
home mortgages to undocumented immigrants.  State Rep. Glen Grothman (R-West Bend) 
opposed the loan program at WHEDA's monthly board meeting May 21 in Madison. . . . 
‘How can we expect employers not to hire illegal aliens, or border patrol or INS 
workers to enthusiastically do their jobs when a state agency is initiating a program 
almost specifically designed to break the laws,’ he said.”

- Milwaukee Business Journal, 5/24/04


Washington insiders say that while the issue of illegal immigration stirs up a lot of 
fuss, it’s NOT an issue which swings votes one way or the other in an election 
campaign.  Are they correct?  Is a candidate’s position on illegal immigration an 
issue which, in and of itself, could swing your vote one way or the other in a given 

*  Yes
*  No
*  Maybe

Cast your vote by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at www.citizenoutreach.com


Here’s a quick update on two issues we featured in News & Views which many of you were 
involved in a few months back…

1.)  Hale DeMar of Wilmette, Illinois, woke in the middle of the night to find an 
intruder in his kid’s room...and shot the scuzzball.  In return, the local chief 
flat-foot charged the homeowner with violating a local gun law.  Many of you were 
outraged and made it known with calls and emails.  Well, you’ll be happy to know that 
the state legislature heard.  This week they passed a bill affording more protections 
to homeowners who shoot intruders regardless of local gun control laws banning 
weapons.  That’s the good news. The bad news is that Democrat Gov. Rod Blagojevich has 
threatened to veto the bill.  You can contact the guv by going here:  

2.)  Some goofballs in Santa Fe, New Mexico, actually proposed mandatory seat 
belts...for dogs.  Well, some sanity finally struck the city’s public-safety committee 
this week, which decided to strike the asinine proposed ordinance.  City 
Council-critters said they were “flooded by complaints about the proposed ‘doggie seat 
belts’ from residents as well as people in other cities.”  

Nice job, gang.  Again, national grassroots Internet activism CAN have an impact.  
Which brings us to…


Catch this example of public school stupidity from Grasonville, Maryland, as reported 
in the Eastern Shore Star Democrat:

* * * QUOTE * * * 

An 11-year-old boy has been suspended from Grasonville Elementary School for 10 days 
for including a knife in his class project.

The 5th-grader included a steak knife in a box of items he took in to illustrate the 
assignment: "What would you take on a camping trip and why?" said Lt. Dwayne Embert of 
the Queen Anne's County Sheriff's Office. Embert said the knife was part of the boy's 
project; the boy never threatened anyone.

"The child brought in a steak knife in a decorated shoe box," said Principal Anne 
Dodge. It was a project for his reading class. He turned the box in on May 10.

On Monday, May 17, it was the Grasonville boy's turn to present. About 3:20 p.m., he 
took the items out of the box to talk about them. The teacher saw the knife, took it, 
and contacted the principal, Dodge said.

"It was a tool. He brought in different types of tools," Dodge said. She, too, said 
the student never threatened anyone.

The student and his possessions were removed from the classroom, a parent was notified 
and the sheriff's office contacted, Dodge said. Dfc. Kristy L. Murphy investigated.

Parents of children in that reading class were contacted by phone and a letter went 
home to them, Dodge said.

In the letter, she recounted what had happened and wrote, "I urge you to discuss this 
incident as well as the one last week with your child in an open and honest matter. If 
at any time they are aware of a dangerous situation, encourage them to talk to any 
adult as quickly as possible. The staff and I will make safety a top priority so that 
all students feel safe in school and can concentrate on academics."

Students know better than to bring weapons to school; it is in the handbook everyone 
gets at the beginning of the school year, Dodge said. Schools have a zero tolerance 
for weapons.

* * * UNQUOTE * * *

Cops, letters to parents and a 10-day suspension because a kid brought a steak knife 
in a box to class for a project asking what you would take on a camping trip?  Is this 
insane, or what?  How does someone who allows something this idiotic become the 
principal of a public elementary school?

Here’s the info I know you all are looking for:

Principal Anne Dodge
Phone:  (410) 827-8070

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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