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“The reason we can’t find a relationship between the Constitution and the (present) 
government is that there is none,” declared Michael Badnarik in accepting the 
Libertarian Party nomination on Sunday.  Many of you have expressed an interest in 
learning more about Mr. Badnarik.  His website can be found at 
http://www.badnarik.org/ and you can send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  And if you 
missed my invaluable “free advice” to Mr. Badnarik in yesterday’s News & Views, I’ve 
reprinted it today on the News & Views EXTRA page...which you can read by going to:  


“Advertisements for junk food are to be banned during children’s television programs 
in Britain in an attempt by the government to reduce obesity in the young,” reports 
the London Sunday Telegraph.  

Actually, if they really want to reduce obesity in the young, they wouldn’t stop at 
banning junk food...they’d ban television.  Oops.  I shouldn’t give them any ideas! 
Then again...maybe I should.


“Al Gore is proving to be the most irrelevant comically absurd former vice president 
since Spiro Agnew.  This blustering ‘Saturday Night Live’ caricature is no longer a 
serious political figure. . . . Sean Hannity appropriately called for a moment of 
prayer in the opening of his radio show yesterday to thank God Al Gore isn’t running 
the country.”

- Columnist Barbara Comstock, National Review Online


“Michael Moore is a celebrity propagandist puffed up by a culture of sycophants long 
on emotion and short on intellect. . . . The likes of Barbra Streisand and Susan 
Sarandon, Sean Penn and Michael Moore see themselves as thinkers. Intoxicated with 
celebrity status, they confuse their talent for fantasy with real-life significance. 
The prizes they win say more about the prize-givers than about the fantasizers they 

- Columnist Suzanne Fields


“…(T)he cost of these dumb conventions beginning July 26 for the Democrats and August 
30 for the Republicans will be enough to cut a big hunk out of the national debt or, 
better yet, considerably lower the poverty rate in the United States.”

- Columnist Dan Thomasson


“Many states are having trouble accepting the changes the No Child Left Behind Act 
mandates. . . . (O)ne of the bigger problems this group has with NCLB is that it is 
federal legislation and therefore creates federal control over the education system of 
each state.”

- Columnist Frank Salvato


Do you agree with the 9th Circuit Court decision telling the federal government it 
can’t block voter-approved assisted suicide in the state of Oregon?

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“The state of public schooling in general these days is nothing to boast about, but 
for black and Hispanic kids in particular, it is shocking.  Disparities in education 
have become so pronounced, as the scholars Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom have shown, 
that the average black high school senior today is less competent in reading, math, 
and history than the average white 8th-grader.

“...“By now it is obvious that spending even more money and hiring even more teachers 
isn't going bring about the equality that (Brown vs. Board of Education) called for.  
Neither will shifting students around on the basis of skin color, as decades of forced 
busing certainly proved.  Mandatory testing hasn't led to equality, Head Start hasn't 
led to equality, and huge federal mandates like No Child Left Behind are not likely to 
lead to equality either.

“So maybe it's time to try a *really* radical reform: choice.

“...The public education system is essentially a monopoly, and like most monopolies, 
it wastes money, performs indifferently, and doesn't much care if its customers -- 
American mothers and fathers -- are satisfied.  But give those mothers and fathers the 
same freedom of choice when it comes to their kids' education that they have when it 
comes to their kids' shoes or dinner, and all of that would change.

“State and local governments should stop spending hundreds of billions of dollars to 
run public schools directly.  Instead they should spend the money on vouchers that 
would let parents freely choose the schools their children attend.  Education would 
still be compulsory.  It would still be publicly financed.  But no longer would it be 
the inferior, one-size-fits-all product of sclerotic government bureaucracies.”

- Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby


“It’s no wonder it takes eighth-graders several attempts to pass the U.S. Constitution 
test.  They are too busy learning about the rights of homosexual foreign terrorists 
who are petitioning the U.N. to condemn the United States for not embracing an 
entitlement program for illegal immigrants who want abortions performed by non-English 
speaking graduates of colleges favoring affirmative action.”

- Columnist Frank Salvato


“Remember back when the Liberal Talk Radio Network was announced?  There was more 
press for this radio network that had 3 stations on it than probably any other radio 
network has ever received.  The media has ignored talk radio for years, but suddenly 
they took an incredible interest in ‘the answer to conservative talk radio.’  Well 
it's been downhill ever since.   In fact, it's gone into the toilet so fast, it's 
rather astonishing.

“...Liberal radio failed for the same reason it usually does: there's no audience for 
it.  To be sure, they drew some interest in their first month ... with all the press 
coverage how could they not?  But advertisers don't put their money into train 
wrecks.  In this case, sheer incompetence hastened their departure. I wonder if the 
media will cover their demise as heavily as they did their debut?  I doubt it.”

- Talk show host Neal Boortz, 5/31/04


The new prescription drug cards haven’t even hit mailboxes yet, and already AARP is 
yammering for ‘more.’  This is what happens when conservatives go along to get along 
with new government programs which are ‘small.’  Liberals consider such things as 
nothing more than opening bids.  Once the camel gets his nose under the tent, it’s 
only a matter of time before all hell breaks loose.  America will be paying 
(literally) for this new prescription drug entitlement for a long time...maybe until 
we finally go broke.

And although the Bush administration and (most) Republicans in Congress are ultimately 
responsible for the slippery prescription drug slope they put us on, blame the greedy 
AARP for stoking the flames and not being satisfied until a full-blown HillaryCare 
monstrosity is foisted upon the American public.  A lot of people like AARP because 
they think the organization is good to old folks.  But AARP is really a cancer on our 
way of life and I hope the public wakes up to their socialistic agenda...before it’s 
too late (if it isn’t already).


Two-year-old Ryshawn Lamar Bynum “died of a brain injury and had a broken neck, broken 
ribs and as many as 70 whip marks on his legs, buttocks, back and chest that were of 
various ages,” reported the Oregonian 
on Monday.  The boy’s African-American father, Issac Bynum, has been charged with the 
murder, and it appears to be an open-and-shut case.  No doubt that the man did it.

Enter an assistant professor at the Portland State University Graduate School of 
Social Work.  Joy DeGruy-Leary has invented something she calls “post traumatic slave 
syndrome” and Bynum’s lawyer intends to use her theory to argue “in a general way” 
that since masters beat their slaves, little Ryshawn’s father was justified in beating 
his son to death.

“DeGruy-Leary testified this month in Washington County Circuit Court that African 
Americans today are affected by past centuries of U.S. slavery because the original 
slaves were never treated for the trauma of losing their homes; seeing relatives 
whipped, raped and killed; and being subjugated by whites,” reports the Oregonian.  
“Because African Americans as a class never got a chance to heal and today still face 
racism, oppression and societal inequality, they suffer from multigenerational trauma, 
says DeGruy-Leary, who is African American. Self-destructive, violent or aggressive 
behavior often results, she says.”

AGAINST A TWO-YEAR-OLD?  Slavery from over 100 years ago is a reason to beat a toddler 
to death today?  Am I the only one who wants to beat DeGruy-Leary for coming up with 
this ridiculous defense of the indefensible?  Join the Discussion Board on this 
subject by surfing over to:  http://blog.chuckmuth.com/blog/

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
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