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Guess what the Chinese are trading in their little bikes for?  It ain’t Volkswagens.  
Meanwhile, back in the states, Sen. John McCain is trying to legislatively impose on 
this country the Kyoto Treaty which will likely cost a huge number of American jobs; 
the enviro-wackos are mounting a new effort to undermine companies via hostile 
takeovers; and the global warming hysterics in the UN are predicting an all-new 
catastrophe: the global dust bowl.  Read all about it in the latest edition of “Hot 
Air,” posted on today’s News & Views EXTRA page at:  


“Al Qaeda and brother terrorists and sympathizers live in a demonic intellectual and 
moral world alien to western civilization. . . . Since reasoning is futile, killing, 
capturing and punishing is the only moral answer to the terrorism wickedness.”

- Columnist Bruce Fein


Taliban guerillas cut off the heads of an Afghan soldier and an Afghan interpreter 
Monday night.  Afghanistan Gen. Namatullah Tokhi responded by capturing four Taliban 
guerillas later that day...and cutting off THEIR heads.  It’s getting harder and 
harder for cooler heads to prevail in that part of the world.


“Flight attendants on commercial airlines are still being trained to cooperate with 
hijackers and be victims rather than fight back, despite the attacks of September 11. 
. . . The September 11 panel revealed that hijackers ‘beat the last line of defense on 
the four flights, because the professionals had been trained to cooperate with 
hijackers, not fight them,’ (Patricia Friend, president of the Association of Flight 
Attendants) said.”

- Washington Times, 6/23/04


Muckraking filmmaker Michael Moore’s new distributor says they’ll take help from 
terror organization Hezbollah in getting the new bush-whacking “Fahrenhype 911” into 
the movie theaters of Middle East countries, reports WorldNetDaily.com.  Front Row is 
welcoming assistance from Hezbollah in getting the film, sure to further inflame 
anti-American passions, placed in countries such as Lebanon, Syria and the United Arab 
Emirates, leading Melanie Morgan of Move America Forward to ask of Moore, “Whose side 
are you on?”

Um, no offense to Miss Morgan, but isn’t it obvious?


"By Senator Kerry's definition, things actually got better during the Carter years and 
then got worse during the Reagan-Bush years.  That makes a total of two people who 
remember the late '70s as a golden age of the American economy, Jimmy Carter and John 
Kerry. By now, even Jimmy Carter is probably beginning to have his doubts." 

- Vice President Dick Cheney in Las Vegas on Monday


Democrat presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry has been AWOL from his senate duties 
practically this entire session.  Campaign events have taken precedence over his 
senate responsibilities.  Priorities, you know.  

Well, fine.  Another Massachusetts problem.  But get this.  Kerry cancelled a campaign 
trip to New Mexico on Tuesday to be in Washington to cast a vote on a veterans bill 
sponsored by Sen. Tom Daschle.  I don’t know if you know this or not, but Sen. Kerry 
served in Vietnam and never misses an opportunity to remind people of that fact.  This 
vote would be yet another perfect opportunity.

Only, a funny thing happened on the way to press cameras.  Senate Majority Leader Bill 
Frist decided to play a little political hardball (yahoo!!) by postponing the vote.  
“The Daschle amendment appears to have been put on the floor so Senator Kerry, who 
hasn’t been here all year, missed 80 percent of the votes, parachutes in for one day 
and then he’s out of here, can vote.”  Kerry was last heard whining about having to 
cancel his campaign events for a cancelled vote.  Awwww.

But it wasn’t a complete loss.  While in town Kerry DID get to cast a vote for another 
bill...cutting missile defense programs.


House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) criticized his senate colleagues this week 
on their decision to hold a vote on the federal marriage amendment next month even 
though they KNOW they don’t have the votes to pass it.  “I really think the Senate 
should vote on this when they have the votes to pass it,” DeLay said.  “That’s what we 
are trying to do.”


“SpaceShipOne, the first privately funded manned spacecraft, shattered more than the 
boundary of outer space: it destroyed forever the myth that space exploration can only 
be done by the government. . . . We often hear that the most ambitious projects can 
only be undertaken by government, but in fact the opposite is true. The more ambitious 
a project is, the more it demands to be broken into achievable, profit-making 
steps--and freed from the unavoidable politicizing of government-controlled science. 
If space development is to be transformed from an expensive national bauble whose 
central purpose is to assert national pride to a practical industry, it will only be 
by unleashing the creative force of free and rational minds.”

- Robert Garmong of the Ayn Rand Institute


The New Jersey legislature this week passed an $800 million tax increase...but only on 
the “rich” people who government thinks make too much money and should share their 
good fortune with everyone else.  Once Democrat Gov. Jim McGreevy gleefully signs the 
redistribution bill, look for a new housing boom in Galt’s Gulch.


“Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has named the South Carolina legislature 
Porker of the Month for overriding almost every one of Governor Mark Sanford¹s (R) 106 
budget vetoes of wasteful, pork-barrel spending.  After Gov. Sanford vetoed almost $36 
million of a $5.5 billion fiscal 2005 budget, the Republican-controlled legislature 
breezed through 105 overrides in the House and 99 overrides in the Senate with little 
or no debate.  Gov. Sanford responded by walking into the House chamber carrying two 
pigs, named ‘Pork’ and ‘Barrel,’ infuriating lawmakers.  Some of the 106 items vetoed 
by Gov. Sanford included $380,000 for a stadium expansion to accommodate a Palmetto 
Bowl Football Game and $250,000 for the Freedom Weekend Aloft balloon festival.”

- Citizens Against Government Waste


“While some of the recent spending explosion is related to the fight against 
terrorism, it is worth noting that inflation-adjusted non-defense discretionary 
spending during the Bush administration will have risen by more than 25 percent 
through fiscal 2005. And that assumes a virtual freeze in such spending for fiscal 
2005, which begins Oct. 1. By way of contrast, comparable non-defense spending during 
the first Reagan administration actually declined by nearly 10 percent.”

- Washington Times editorial, 6/23/04


“Here's a revealing quote from the president on his political philosophy:  ‘[T]he role 
of government is to stand there and say, 'We're going to help you.' The job of the 
federal government is to fund the providers who are actually making a difference.’

“He's referring to a government-funded attempt to help people in troubled marriages. 
It would be hard to think of a realm more private than a marriage, but the president 
believes that the government has a role there. I'm sure his motives are genuine and 
sincere. But anyone still deluded in thinking that Bush conservatism means limited 
government should open their eyes. Bush believes in big government. He just believes 
it should be funded by debts the next generation will have to pay.”

- Columnist Andrew Sullivan     


“When I first read (Lyn Nofziger’s) words (in yesterday’s News & Views), it was almost 
as if there was an echo in the room, of my own thoughts. I, too, believe that the 
Republican party is abandoning conservative principles, as the Democratic party did 
thirty or forty years ago. I believe it was Alabama Governor George Wallace who said 
that there was not a dime's difference between the Democrats and Republicans. George 
W. Bush's presidency has convinced me that he is right. I left the Democratic party 
(or, rather, it left me) about thirty years ago, and I find the Republicans are now 
abandoning true conservatism today.”

- News & Views reader Bruce Drotleff


“Hi Chuck:  The more I read quotes from libertarians or libertarian-leaning 
Republicans, the more I am convinced that libertarianism is becoming a more and more 
accurate description of my own political affiliation.  

“...I joined the Republican Party because I have very strong, very conservative views 
on taxes, fiscal policy, defense, homeland security and military issues.  I support 
lower taxes, a small federal government, a strong military and the war on terrorism.  
On the other hand, I want the federal government out of my wallet, out of private, 
personal issues and out of how private businesses choose to operate or compensate 

“...If the Libertarian Party had any chance at all of actually winning an election, 
and if they would nominate normal people as candidates, I would probably switch 
parties.  I fully support President Bush, and I will vote for him again, but there are 
lots of issues where I differ with him.  

“I am outraged at the Medicare prescription drug benefit, the No Child Left Behind 
Act, the funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, the increase in the budget 
for NASA, and other spending that we have no right to be doing when we have a budget 
deficit.  I had hoped that, with a Republican in the White House and a Republican 
majority in Congress, that we would see some major slashing and burning of the federal 
budget (especially with regard to social entitlement programs).

“...It's too bad the Libertarian Party just can't seem to get its act together and 
nominate some truly serious, heavy-hitting, electable candidates.  I think they would 
get a lot of support from both sides of the political aisle.”

- News & Views reader Lisa Haber of Timonium, Maryland


“Dear Chuck:  I read the comments made by (former Rep. Bob) Barr to the Senate (on the 
federal marriage amendment) and I must say thank you for making that testimony 
available.  The whole FMA situation is something that frankly, has me in a bit of a 
quandary.  I absolutely oppose same sex marriage.  I cannot, in good conscience, do 

“I have heard comments on both sides of the issue and, frankly, find myself more torn 
on the issue than settled.  A rather unusual circumstance for me.  I've heard Lars 
Larson talk on the issue, read your remarks on the issue, and heard DOZENS of 
politicians comment on the issue.  That is just the tip of the iceberg, as it were.
“The issue of same sex marriage is one I feel rather strongly about, and I admit, I 
was a fence sitter leaning toward saying, ‘Hey, do it!  Pass the amendment and settle 
the issue.’  Then I read Mr. Barr's comments.  Spoken like a true Southerner, he 
summed up the constitutionality of the issue quite well, in a manner in which I can 
sympathize with.

“His comment:  ‘To be clear, I oppose any marriage save that between one man and one 
woman.  And, I would do all in my power to ensure that such a formulation is the only 
one operative in my home state of Georgia.  However, do I think that I can tell Alaska 
how to govern itself on this issue?  Or California?  Or Massachusetts?  No, I cannot.  
Those states are free to make their own decisions, even if they are decisions I would 
characterize as bad.’
“It really hit home with me. . . . Although I support preventing the legality of same 
sex marriage, I cannot, in good conscience agree with an Constitutional Amendment that 
would jeopardize state's rights.  I resent any legislation that would impose the will 
of others living outside of my Dear Oregon on my fellow Oregonians.  It would be 
hypocritical of me to impose my will on folks in other states.

“Because of this, I will urge Senators Gordon Smith R-OR and Ron Wyden D-OR to oppose 
this amendment.  I will continue to support the efforts of many of my fellow 
Oregonians to settle the issue WITHIN Oregon.  I can not agree more with Mr. Barr, 
this should, and must, remain a state issue and not have this imposed at the federal 
Level.  Thank you again for helping me to settle on this issue and thank you for 
giving me the opportunity to read Mr. Barr's words.”
- Steven S. Sturman of Springfield, OR


Steven Parish of cigarette maker Philip Morris recently told Congressional Quarterly 
that “The public wants more regulation” of tobacco.  Do you support new FDA regulation 
of tobacco products?

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non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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Chuck Muth
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