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The modern-day Prohibitionists and their greedy personal injury attorneys continue the 
assault on not just alcohol...but on ADVERTISING for alcohol.  Weapon of choice?  
Protecting kids, of course.  Worst offense?  Halloween and movies.  Huh?  Folks, this 
thing is getting WAY out of hand.  Read all about it in the latest issue of “Ad 
Finitum” posted on today’s News & Views EXTRA page at: 


P.S. Short-term volunteer needed: Anyone living in the Washington, DC area with 
expertise in Front Page.  Send me an email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


“Lost in the early coverage (of the recent Democrat fundraiser in New York) was (a) 
the top ticket price was $25,000; a little steep for many of the ‘little people’ with 
whom Senator John Edwards claims such solidarity, and; (b) the outright ugliness of 
the comments of those who chose to participate - especially Whoopi Goldberg.

“Goldberg's comments were so off-color and distasteful that they have become a 
campaign issue: The Democrats are refusing to release the tape of the performance 
because they realize that allowing the voting public to actually see it - and, 
potentially much more damaging - the crowd's positive reaction to it, would be 
extremely powerful in demonstrating the kind of language about the President the 
Democrats will not only tolerate, but will encourage.”

- Rich Galen, “Mullings,” 7/12/04


While some government schools are absurdly encouraging kids to add the late Tupac 
Shakur’s book of “poetry” to their summer reading list, more serious folks might want 
to consider picking up a copy of our friend David Bossie’s new book, “The Many Faces 
of John Kerry.”  

Bossie, a former congressional investigator and current president of Citizens United, 
gives the “real scoop” on the Massachusetts liberal, including an in-depth analysis of 
his voting record, the reason behind his early Naval discharge and his flip-flopping 
positions on the war in Iraq, fighting terrorism, tax cuts, health care, education, 
campaign finance reform.  Plus some shady dealings Kerry would really rather you not 
know about.  

The book doesn’t officially come out for the general public until July 20th, but News 
& Views readers can order one right NOW from the Citizen United website at: 


Matt Hrubesky of Naperville, Illinois, says he’s a government school teacher who takes 
deep offense to my recent column exposing those sky-high teacher salaries in his home 
state.  In fact, the guy has blown a gasket, sending me a series of ranting, barely 
intelligible emails on the subject, including this little schoolyard taunt:  “Go back 
to home-schooling your maladjusted, little social misfit who will probably be the 
national spelling bee champion at six and still live at home until you are dead 
because neither one of you is ready for her to be a part of the ‘outside world.’ . . . 
See ya, Bozo.”

Hey, hey...HEY!!!  I placed a sign on my maladjusted, little social misfit’s bedroom 
door the day we brought her home from the hospital which read, “Check Out Time Is 18.” 
 She ain’t living with ME until death!

But seriously, folks.  Read the fear in this guy’s note.  These people are not only 
seething over the fact that so many parents are successfully educating their own kids 
without a teaching degree, they see the writing on the wall; that if home-schooling 
and vouchers continue to grow and flourish, their days are numbered.

Can’t come soon enough.


“...(Jack) Kemp also drew a false connection between immigration and trade in his 
column, making the case that those who support common-sense border security measures 
are today's protectionists. Nothing could be further from the truth. He and other 
open-border advocates know full well that there is a fundamental difference between 
the free flow of goods and services - which is called free trade - and the free flow 
of people, which is called chaos. Supporting efforts to open free markets is one 
thing. Supporting efforts to open our borders is quite another.

“Nations have immigration laws for a reason, and unless the open-border crowd is 
prepared to advocate the repeal of all immigration laws and the abolition of all 
barriers to entry to this country, they need to pay attention to the debate over 
illegal immigration. They need to join the dialogue, not hide behind red herrings.

“Neither I nor the other advocates for immigration law enforcement are 
‘anti-immigration.’ That is a smear and a smoke screen that open-border advocates use 
to avoid a debate about illegal immigration.

“More than 4 million people are on waiting lists abroad to enter this country legally, 
and more than 1.4 million entered legally in 2003. How many immigrants can we absorb 
annually? That is a fair question over which honorable men can disagree. What we 
should not have to disagree over is that people who wish to enter our country ought to 
do so legally.”

- Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), Washington Times, 7/10/04


Sorry, I didn’t have it yesterday...but a couple of crack News & Views reader sent me 
the phone number and email address for Border & Transportation Security chief Asa 
Hutchinson after listening to his song-and-dance interview ( 
http://www.johnandkenshow.com/audio/files/asahutchinson.wmx ) in case you want to 
contact him over the cessation of those illegal alien “interior” sweeps in Southern 
California...or on any other aspect of the illegal alien issue.

However, I urge you to please be professional and respectful.  You need to disagree 
without being disagreeable (that’s MY job!).  Don’t give these folks any ammunition 
enabling them to paint us as a bunch of wacko, bigoted crazies (which they’re already 
doing anyway).  That being said, here’s Hutch’s contact information:

Phone: (202) 282-8355


“In a prime example of election year demagoguery, the Senate is considering 
legislation, already approved by the House, to legalize importing to the U.S. 
pharmaceuticals from dozens of countries around the world.  Like some pharmaceutical 
bill from hell, the ‘Dorgan bill’ proposed by Sen. Byron Dorgan, North Dakota 
Democrat, would undermine the two pillars of our country's modern pharmaceutical 
supply — safety and efficacy.

“...Advocates of the Dorgan bill and others clamoring for imports of cheap drugs are 
myopic and reckless. Their efforts, if successful, will choke off the flow of 
innovative pharmaceuticals — and, in the interim — will leave Americans at risk of 
illness and perhaps death as ineffective, diluted, toxic, bogus pharmaceuticals find 
their way into our pharmacies.

“Instead of killing the geese laying the pharmaceutical golden eggs, we should give 
companies every possible incentive to come up with new drugs. And we should do so 
while making regulatory revisions, including accelerating approval time for drugs and 
reforming the litigation system to prevent frivolous lawsuits against drug companies. 
These measures would lower prices modestly and responsibly, while preserving our 
pharmaceutical supply line — which is the envy of the world.”

- Dr. Elizabeth M. Whelen, president of the American Council on Science and Health


“What they (gays) do in the privacy of their house, consenting adults should be able 
to do.  This is America.”

- President Bush last Friday in Pennsylvania


“Lynne Cheney, the vice president's wife and mother of a lesbian, said Sunday that 
states should have the final say over the legal status of personal relationships.  
That stand puts her at odds with the vice president on the need for the constitutional 
amendment now under debate in the Senate that effectively would ban gay marriage.

“...During the 2000 campaign, vice presidential candidate Dick Cheney took the 
position states should decide legal issues about personal relationships and that 
people should be free to enter relationships of their choosing. . . . Asked Sunday 
about her husband's (changed) stand on gay marriage in 2004, Lynne Cheney said, ‘I 
thought that the formulation he used in 2000 was very good.’”

- Los Angeles Times, 7/11/04


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 293.7 million people living in the 
country today.  On Friday, supporters of a federal marriage amendment banning gay 
marriage delivered petitions from 1.4 million folks who support the measure and claim 
to have another 1.2 million on the way.  Which means that 291.1 million Americans have 
NOT signed a petition supporting this constitutional amendment.  

Now, I went to public school for a few years so check my math, but I think that means 
more than 99% of the American population have NOT signed a petition urging the Senate 
to pass a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.  So why is the Senate wasting 
its time on this?  Don’t we have taxes to cut and terrorists to kill?


Pastor Bill Barnwell of Swartz Creek, Michigan, once thought political activism and 
getting more Christians into governmental positions of power was the way to solve 
social problems such as pornography, alcoholism, drugs, abortion and gays.  Not any 
longer. And he’s written an excellent column hoping to persuade other Christians that 
government isn’t the answer...and to get back to addressing these problems through 
religious institutions instead.  

“Sadly, many Christians have a similar mentality to far-left liberals,” he writes. 
“They believe the government should be involved in just about every aspect of life. 
Many also make the mistake of believing everything immoral should be controlled and 
regulated by the government.”

Barnwell continues, “It would be very interesting to see what would happen if the 
millions of Christian activists put forth the same efforts for ministry that they put 
forth in political activism. I imagine that many more people would be reached in much 
more meaningful ways. How I wish conservative Christians possessed the same zeal for 
advancing the Church that they have for advancing the Republican Party and various 

This opinion column is an excellent read and ought to stir up quite an interesting 
discussion.  You can read Pastor Barnwell’s entire essay by going to:



"I think it's very important for people who are serving (in office) to make sure 
there's a separation of church and state."

- George W. Bush, 6/15/04

“Government is not the solution, it’s the problem.”

- Ronald Reagan

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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