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Despite camping deep in the backwoods of Western Maryland (OK, since I’m getting 
high-speed Internet access via wireless here, I guess it’s not really so “deep” after 
all) I was able to team up with the philosophical genius of former Reagan adviser Lyn 
Nofziger to pen (which still sounds better than “word process”) a new op/ed on the 
ever-expanding blob of nanny-state government and why everybody over the age of 35 
should not only be dead, but is responsible for this sad state of affairs.  You can 
read “Founding Fathers, Big Brother...and The Stepford Americans” on CNS News’ website 
today at:


And speaking of the Founding Fathers, I’m looking for a little historical research and 
some of you might be able to help me out.  I’d do it myself...but we have breakfast 
with Yogi and a scavenger hunt with Boo-Boo scheduled for this morning and...well, 

1.)  You know how Congress is set up with all the Democrats seated on one side of the 
room and all the Republicans seated on the other?  Well, I read somewhere that that’s 
not how things were in our Founding days.  It wasn’t until an issue came before the 
body that the room divided...with those in favor moving to one side of the room and 
those opposed moving to the other, lining up for debate.  

There were no political parties (“factions”) at the time.  That blight of a 
development didn’t come until after the Revolutionary War.  Anyway, in Washington’s 
Farewell Address, he warned against the rise of factions, and I’m trying to get some 
additional information on this issue regarding how the Founders viewed political 
parties.  If you dig up anything, send it to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2.)  It’s somewhat common knowledge that a number of key Founders - particularly 
Jefferson and Franklin - were “deists.”  Deism was a particular set of religious 
beliefs back then, and followers were also called “free thinkers.”  Any info you can 
dig up on the history and tenets of deism would be greatly appreciated.


“I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for 
I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to 
extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to 
inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution, 
or that have failed in their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted 
financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' 
before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I 
should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents' interests, I shall reply that 
I was informed their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the 
very best I can.”

- Barry Goldwater, “The Conscience of a Conservative”  

Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and does not 
endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions and views 
expressed in DC Confidential reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists 
therein and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, 
directors or employees. 

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