On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, f_3 wrote:

> Thanks, I applied your temporary patch as described at the bottom.
> Still some 'homemade' filters fail to work - some without errormessage,
> some with :
> Can't find '_hparser_xs_state' element in HTML::Parser hash at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/NewsClipper/AcquisitionFunctions.pm line 317.

I found on one computer I had to update HTML-Tree also. Do a "perldoc CPAN" to
learn how to update HTML-Tree painlessly. It's basically:
  perl -MCPAN -e shell
  [configure some stuff if you haven't already]
  install HTML::Tree

Hope that helps,

David Coppit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        President, Spinnaker Software
http://www.newsclipper.com/ -- Snip and ship dynamic content to your website

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