On Sun, 24 Sep 2000, Ali GUNER wrote:
> format or other <get> method for numeric values. If I explain: every
> datas or values are scrolling from left to right while typing. I would
> like the scroll the numeric datas from right to left while typing.

Let me try to state the problem clearly:

You receive content from the web site like this:

You want NewsClipper to print this content on your web site like this:

It seems like you want to use the "reverse" filter that reverses the text.

<!-- newsclipper
<input name=somesource>
<filter name=reverse chars>
<output name=string>

Paco Hope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             Developer, Spinnaker Software
http://www.newsclipper.com/ -- Snip and ship dynamic content to your website

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