Addington signed Gonzales' name to re-authorize 
warrantless wiretapping program.ยป

In 2004, after top Justice Department lawyers 
refused to re-certify the legality of President 
Bush's warrantless wiretapping program, the Bush 
administration re-authorized the program anyway 
without the Justice Department's approval. 
Previous accounts of the program's 
re-authorization reported that the "line for the 
attorney general's signature remained blank." But 
in the Washington Post today, Barton Gellman 
reports that Vice President Cheney's lawyer, 
David Addington, actually signed then-White House 
Counsel Alberto Gonzales's name to the document:

Addington opened the code-word-classified file on 
his computer. He had a presidential directive to 
It has been widely reported that Bush executed 
the March 11 order with a blank space over the 
attorney general's signature line. That is not 
correct [15]. For reasons both symbolic and 
practical, the vice president's lawyer could not 
tolerate an empty spot where a mutinous 
subordinate should have signed. Addington typed a 
substitute signature line: "Alberto R. Gonzales."

Gellman writes that "Only Richard M. Nixon, in an 
interview after leaving the White House in 
disgrace, claimed authority so nearly unlimited" 
as the authority Addington claimed for the 
president in the document he signed with 
Gonzales' name.
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