Washington, DC
October 1, 2008
Immediate Release
Ilene Proctor PR
(310) 271-5857

Mike Connell, Karl Rove's Computer Expert, Stonewalls Federal 
Subpoena In Election Rigging Case

Velvet Revolution Calls For A Special Prosecutor And Congressional 

The GOP's top computer expert, Michael Connell, CEO of GovTech 
Solutions, was subpoenaed on September 22nd to testify under oath in 
a federal lawsuit in Ohio regarding his knowledge of election rigging 
and vote manipulation in past elections and the upcoming election. 
 Mr. Connell, using the Karl Rove playbook, immediately moved to 
quash the subpoena and stated that he would not comply because he 
needs to maintain  the confidentiality of his Republican clients. 
 Cliff Arnebeck, the attorney representing the opposing parties, says 
that he will quickly  move to "enforce the subpoena."  

Michael  Connell, after hiding under the radar for almost two decades 
as the GOP's secret IT weapon for manipulating elections, has now 
been thrust into the limelight by other GOP whistleblowers, most 
notably world renowned cyber-security expert Stephen  Spoonamore, who 
identified Mr. Connell as the person with the most intimate knowledge 
of GOP computer networks including those in the White House and 
Congress.  Mr. Connell, who has worked for the Bush political network 
since 1986,  has been at the scene of virtually every electoral 
scandal  of the past decade-- running Florida computers during the 
2000 election and Ohio election computers during the 2004 election, 
helping to create Swift Boat Veterans for Truth IT network, putting 
his computer servers in control of the most sensitive Congressional 
IT networks, and setting up Karl Rove's off grid White House email 
system used in the firing of the US Attorneys for political purposes. 

Our whistleblowers have implicated Mr. Connell in the destruction of 
the White House emails.  Mr. Connell's former employee, David Almacy, 
worked as the White House Internet and E-Communications Director 
during the time those emails were "lost." Apparently,  Mr. Connell 
knows where those lost emails are and how and why they were destroyed.

On Monday, Attorney General Mukasey appoint ed a special prosecutor 
to investigate the political firings of US Attorneys who would not do 
the bidding of the White House.  We believe that the Attorney General 
should also appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the conduct, 
actions and knowledge of Michael Connell and his confidential work 
for Karl Rove and George Bush.  We also believe that Members of 
Congress should hold hearings and place Mr. Connell under oath to 
testify about election rigging, destruction of White House emails, 
and spying on Congress.

Source: VelvetRevolution.us

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